
Setup for local (offline) development

Run the following script to generate assets


Creating clean derivates from source folder

Batch conversion

find . -name '*.tif' -depth 1 -print -exec tiff2rgba {} {}-uc.tif \;
find . -name '*-uc.tif' -depth 1 -print -exec convert {} -quality 95 {}.jpg \;
find . -name '*-uc.tif' -print -exec rm "{}" \;
find . -name '*.tif.jpg' -print -exec bash -c 'mv "{}"  $(dirname "{}")/$(basename -s .tif-uc.tif.jpg "{}").jpg' \;

Use depth to exclude original images.

Generating Tiles

We start to use [LibVIPS], since it's very fast:

On Mac OS X just run:

brew install vips

Generate tiles for a single file

vips dzsave front.jpg front -t 512 --layout iiif --id '.'

Generating tiles for IIIF Presentation API

URL_PREFIX=http://localhost:1313/ ./scripts/

Remove generated IIIF directories

find content/post/ -name info.json -exec dirname {} \; | xargs rm -r

Running hugo

With writing files to disk and watching

/usr/local/bin/hugo server -D --debug --disableFastRender --renderToDisk

Without watching

This might be needed if there are to many sub directories (with IIIF structures) generated, since watching might not work in this setup. This stopped to work reliably between Hugo 0.79.0 and 0.81.0

hugo serve -F --debug --disableFastRender  --disableLiveReload --watch=false --renderToDisk