
Creating content


First you need exiftool:

brew install exiftool

Remove all EXIF tags

(You may first want to rename the files to match the suffix as created by the camera)

exiftool -all= *.jpg

A better solution which keeps the ICC profile would be, see:

exiftool -all= -tagsfromfile @ -icc_profile FILE

Note: If the image has been rotated just using metadata, this information will be lost!

Create and compress PNG images

Install PNG compressor

brew install zopfli

Convert from Photoshop

find . -name '*.psd' -print -exec convert {} {}.png \;
find . -name '*-0.png' -print -exec zopflipng -m {} {}-c.png \;


The canonical name is https://kleiderbügel.blaufusstölpel.de or xn--kleiderbgel-0hb.xn--blaufusstlpel-qmb.de.

See also IDN-Web-Converter

IDN URL URL Repository
kleiderbügel.blaufußtölpel.de xn--kleiderbgel-0hb.xn--blaufutlpel-06a41a.de xn--kleiderbgel-06a41a
kleiderbuegel.blaufußtölpel.de kleiderbuegel.xn--blaufutlpel-06a41a.de kleiderbuegel-06a41a
kleiderbuegel.blaufusstölpel.de kleiderbuegel.xn--blaufusstlpel-qmb.de kleiderbuegel-qmb

Debugging static mounts

/usr/local/bin/hugo server -D -F --debug --disableFastRender --renderToDisk