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Simple OAI Harvester as Docker image

These Docker images can be used to either download and convert metadata files or to build prepopulated images containing data. they can be used to provide Docker volumes for enrichment or Kubernetes side cars to populate persistent volumes.



docker buildx build -f docker/harvester/Dockerfile .


docker buildx build -f docker/converter/Dockerfile .



With configuration file

Just edit the file harvester/config.yaml and mount it readonly for the run. Also provide a data directory:

docker run -it --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/data,target=/data --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/harvester/config.yaml,target=/opt/harvester/config.yaml,readonly ghcr.io/cmahnke/oai-harvester-docker/harvester

Makes sure to change the /data mount target to the path in your config.yaml and that the local directory exits.

With enviroment vars

Pass configuration via environment, also make sure too provide a data directory:

docker run -it -e OAI_URL=https://www.kenom.de/oai/ -e METADATA_PREFIX=lido -e SET=institution:DE-MUS-062622 -e TARGET_DIR=/data --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/data,target=/data ghcr.io/cmahnke/oai-harvester-docker/harvester

See table below for possible values.


Authentificated OAI

docker run -e OAI_USER=$OAI_USER -e OAI_PASS=$OAI_PASS --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/harvester/config.yaml,target=/opt/harvester/config.yaml,readonly --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/data,target=/data ghcr.io/cmahnke/oai-harvester-docker/converter

Using a default transformation

If a file /opt/xslt/dafault.xsl is provided, the container will use it to transform data.

docker run -i --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/conf/config.yaml,target=/opt/harvester/config.yaml,readonly --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/data,target=/data --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/xslt/stylesheet.xsl,target=/opt/xslt/default.xsl ghcr.io/cmahnke/oai-harvester-docker/converter

Make sure to ommit -t to seperate stderr and stdout. This way one can pipe the results directly into a file or another command for post precessing. For example jq -r '.[] | .link', to extract the array of results and then the property link as a raw string.

Configuration file

Name Value
oai_url URL of the OAI PMH endpoint of a repository
metadata_prefix The matadata prefix (format) to use
set The requested metadata set
target_dir The direcory inside the container to save files to, can be mounted
user Username for authentification
pass Password for authentification
mode Change to 'ListIdentifiers' if you want to get each Record by listing the identifiers first

These configuration settings can also be passed via env in upper case.

Building prepopulated volumes

The esiest way to use the images to provide prepopulated volumes is to build your own Docker images and referencing the base images in FROM.

The converter image provides saxon, jq and curl for transformations and downloading. These can also be used during the build of an image. The script /usr/local/sbin/cleanup.sh removes these tools to keep the image small.

A possible Workflow would be:

  • Extend the converter image
  • Provide a config.yaml for the desired OAI interface
  • Start the harvester
  • Convert all metadata files
  • Clean the image from tools using cleanup.sh


The following variables are provided

Name Value
HARVESTER_HOME /opt/harvester
SAXON_DIR /opt/saxon
XSLT_DIR /opt/xslt
DATA_DIR /data

Running Saxon

Running Saxon from within the Dockerfile is quite easy, make sure you pass the class path (-cp) right, including $SAXON_DIR/saxon.jar and $SAXON_DIR/xmlresolver.jar. The following example uses an empty input XML file (empty.xml), since the transformation works directly on a collection (DATA_DIR).

java -Xmx1024m -cp $SAXON_DIR/saxon.jar:$SAXON_DIR/xmlresolver.jar net.sf.saxon.Transform -xsl:"/opt/xslt/extract-image-identifiers.xsl" -s:"/opt/xslt/empty.xml" collection=$DATA_DIR > /data/identifiers.lst && \

Downloading files

You can also use curl to download files that might have been extracted from the metadata into a file list:

while read IDENTIFIER; do
    echo "Requesting $URLPREFIX$IDENTIFIER"
    curl -sS -o /dev/null "$URLPREFIX$IDENTIFIER"
done < /data/identifiers.lst