
How to assign use input value in defining a variable?

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I was hoping to use a knob to adjust the delay time, but when I try the code below I get
error: Expected a value int delayInSample = delayMs1 * 48000;
What is the correct way to use an input value/stream/event to create a variable?

graph DelayTest  [[ main ]]
    input stream float audioIn;
    output stream float audioOut;
    input delay.wet wet1          [[ name: "Wet1 Level",       min: 0, max: 1, init:  0.5, unit: "",  step: 0.1 ]];
    input delay.dry dry1          [[ name: "Dry1 Level",       min: 0, max: 1, init:  0.5, unit: "",  step: 0.1 ]];
    input value int delayMs1                [[ name: "Delay1 ms",       min: 0, max: 5000, init:  0, unit: "",  step: 50 ]];

    int delayInSample = delayMs1 * 48000;
    node delay = AudioDelay(float, 48000, delayInSample);


Sorry that this issue was never looked at - I'm just going through some old ones now...!

Yes, any variables that you define in a graph must be compile-time constants, so you can't use a dynamic expression there. The error message is a bit rubbish though, so I'll have a look at improving that!