Error with kubernetes client: stat /home/ec2-user/.kube/config: no such file or directory
hydeenoble opened this issue ยท 6 comments
I am trying to run the aws-ssm with docker:
sudo docker run --env KUBE_CONFIG=~/.kube/config --env MASTER_URL=<API server endpoint from EKS> cmattoon/aws-ssm
and I keep getting
level=fatal msg="Error with kubernetes client: stat /home/ec2-user/.kube/config: no such file or directory
even when I am sure ~/.kube/config
am i missing something?
should be the path inside the container (which you'll have to mount/provide as a secret/configmap)
Can you try:
sudo docker run \
-v "/home/ec2-user/.kube/config:/mnt/.kube/config" \
--env KUBE_CONFIG=/mnt/.kube/config \
--env MASTER_URL=<API server endpoint from EKS> \
Thank you very much @cmattoon, It worked. But, I now have a new error message:
Error retrieving secrets: Get <API server endpoint from EKS>/api/v1/secrets: getting credentials: exec: exec: \"heptio-authenticator-aws\": executable file not found in $PATH"
Can you help??
@cmattoon, Please, can I get help here?
The error thrown is exec: exec: \"heptio-authenticator-aws\": executable file not found in $PATH
, so I'm assuming you'll need to either:
a) fork and build a container with heptio-authenticator-aws
; or
b) Update the .kube/config
for this container to authenticate some other way
I'll look into supporting
For EKS support ๐
It should work now (after re-pulling latest