
Week 3

Closed this issue · 1 comments



Joris Meester


Tech 2

Repo link


I played it a bit safe this week, because I had other subjects that had a priority. I changed a few settings in VS Code, added ESLint, tested ESLint out and explained which formatters I use.
For my application I added a bit of styling, so it's a bit more fun to look at.

Resources used

The Coding Train. (2018, March 13). Linting with ESLint [Video]. YouTube.

Any thoughts?

No not really, I hope your voorjaarsvakantie was fun.

Hey Joris,

  • Your wiki could use a bit more work but I think you knew that already seeing the notes in the sidebar
  • Aren't static and public basically the same? Maybe think about moving everything in a static or public folder but not nested.
  • Your readme is also a bit bare-bones, maybe add some information on how to clone, install, run and use your project
  • Try and make your EJS partials more general, for example, your header partial should probably only contain a <header> and not also the <head> starting body tag and doctype. Try and make your partials self-contained so they can be used anywhere