
Week 1

Closed this issue · 1 comments



Joeri Bouwman



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I've set up my windows terminal for using the bash shell. And installed npm and the nodemon package, although this is still not working as i wish it would work. I've installed the npm express package and made my first local server. i also made job stories with requirement lists and chosen a feature to work on in the next couple of weeks.

Resources used

I used the resources that where on the pt tech github pages and followed the instructions.

Any thoughts?

Maybe some more practical information in class about using packages with useful examples ;)

Mocht je nog wat meer informatie willen over packages of de package.json kun je me altijd even een berichtje sturen op teams, ook over andere dingen overigens!
probeer ook je readMe bij te houden met de belangrijke informatie over jouw project (denk aan Installatie, bronnen, packages, concept).