
Not see the user name before the first reply

omidMolaverdi opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi great folks.

Is there any easy way to hide the user name in the thread before the first reply?

The blade files are just for example and sometimes to use as a starter. Feel free to add any logic you need to hide/show information.

Thanks @cmgmyr. I have a bit of difficulty with the logic. do you have any recommendation please?

You could probably change this line to something like this.

@if($thread->messages->count() > 1)
<h5 class="media-heading">{{ $message->user->name }}</h5>

But I'd probably create a new variable in the controller and pass it to the views so you only need to make that calculation once.

// Controller
$shouldShowUserNames = $thread->messages->count() > 1;

// View
<h5 class="media-heading">{{ $message->user->name }}</h5>