
Refactor _config.yaml to provide more info on options

Closed this issue · 1 comments

# Common options
source: .
destination: . # or . or ~/Hyla or generated_content
# end common options

# Styles
# Supported :  liberation, asciidoctor, colony, foundation, foundation-lime, foundation-potion, github, golo, iconic, maker, readthedocs, riak, rocket-panda, rubygems
style: liberation

# Asciidoctor and attributes options
backend: html5
   source-highlighter: coderay
   linkcss!: true
   data-uri: true
# end asciidoctor attributes

# Hyla options

# New/Create command
artefact_type: article
type: asciidoc
# end new/create command

# Generate command
rendering: adoc2html
# end generate command

# Generate command
# Rendering : toc2ado
project_name: my-project
toc: ~/hyla/toc.adoc # Change location

# Sendmail command
  from:     "FirstName LastName <email address>"
  to:       'email address'
  subject:  "TO BE DEFINED"

  #smtp_server:      ''
  #port:             '587'
  #enable_starttls:  'true'
  #user:             'user_name'
  #password:         'password'

location: ./generated_content
file: 'file name to be used as attachment for the email' # Change File name
# end of sendmail command

# end hyla options

Typo error. _config.yml should be _config.yaml