
Does not work with Arrow Keys

ncompass opened this issue · 4 comments

I think I'm right about this - but if you use Up and Down Arrows keys the scrolling simply does not work... It scrolls down for a bit, but then the whole page freezes up...

Try it on the demo, I've tried various browsers with the same result. Can anyone work out why it shouldn't work when using arrow keys to go up and down?


Could you please let us know on which browsers this happens?

I can't reproduce the issue on Chrome 34.0.1847.116 beta-m and Firefox 27.0.1 and Firefox 28.0.


I was using FF 28.0 & Chrome (33.0.1750.154 m) and the problem still exists. If you just click the arrow keys up or down, it all works... in my case however the client was holding down the arrow keys and expecting the website to scroll like an ordinary page would.

The issue therefore lies with whether people click the arrow keys or hold them down.

Last point - if you do hold the arrow keys down for anything more than 5 seconds or so, the page tries to play catch up and after a while eventually does. It's as if someone was press the aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa for a long time.

Hope that help in your investigation.

Hey Chris,

First of all thanks for the cool plugin,

I think above reported issues is correct, to reproduce it, just keep on pressing down/up arrow for few seconds even after scrolling (something like long press). Now try to click on the navigation or try to manually scroll the page with scrollbar. You can notice the issue.

I think you need to block the key press event during the scroll animation, since the user keeps the arrow keys pressed the events are getting queued up and causing this issue.

I have issues with arrow navigation too.
It navigates me only to the div with index "1" and if I am under it in the page and press upKey nothing happens but if i press downKey it navigates me always to div with index "1".
Strange things...