
Registering value to var causes issues with namespace

shrabok-surge opened this issue · 2 comments


I am trying to register a value found in a pom.xml file.
Here is an example of what I've done

        file: "{{ deploy_helper.new_release_path }}/pom.xml"
        xpath: /dom:project/dom:version
        content: text
      register: jar_version

when I look at the output I expected something I could leverage using filters but the domain format has {}braces that cant be called in ansible. Here is the output of the var:

    "msg": {
        "actions": {
            "ensure": "present",

            "namespaces": {
                "dom": ""
            "xpath": "/dom:project/dom:version"
        "changed": false,
        "count": 1,
        "matches": [
                "{}version": "sprint21"
        "msg": 1

If I use "{{ jar_version.matches }}" I can see the values but I want to use the sprint21 value somewhere else and cant get that part. I thought the content:text would provide me only the value of the match, but i see that is not the case. Any ideas on how I can get that key value?

And is there anyway to avoid using namespaces and allow all namespaces?

How about
"{{ jar_version.matches[0]['{}version'] }}"

The xml module is upstream now (and ships with Ansible v2.4).

Please close this issue, and if needed, open a new issue at: