
Improve formatting for various types

cmpute opened this issue · 0 comments

  • For UBig / IBig
    • Implement {:x?} and {:X?} formatting (Wait until the format flags are exposed through public API)
  • For FBig
    • Implement {:x} and {:X} formatting for base 2. It should print the float as something like 0xabcp-n.
    • Implement {:e} and {:E} formatting. It should prints 999e-n for base 10, and xxx@-yy for other bases.
  • For RBig / Relaxed
    • Implement Debug
    • Implement {:b}, {:x}, {:X} by printing the components separately
    • Implement .in_radix() by printing the components separately
    • Implement .in_expanded() by printing the decimal form, which prints to certain digits after the radix point by default. It will support {:e}, {:E} as well. It should also supports printing the repeatant with the alternative flag set. Might also support other radices as well.
      format!("{}", rbig!(1/3).in_expanded(10)) -> 1.3333333 (maybe depends on the word size)
      format!("{:.4}", rbig!(1/3).in_expanded(10)) -> 1.3333
      format!("{:#.4}", rbig!(1/3).in_expanded(10)) -> 1.(3)
      format!("{:e}", rbig!(1/3).in_expanded(10)) -> 1.3e0
      format!("{:.4e}", rbig!(1/3).in_expanded(10)) -> 1.3333e0

(See here for repeatant detection implementation example)