
running a module with python binding, fails due to std::TTreeReaderArray<float>

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Dear experts,

I face this very strange error [*] which does not seem to come from my code. I have a code that reads genParticles and sorts them according to their mother so to have the whole chain[**]. For that I use c++ worker with a python binding. The code was working fine up to thursday but since tomorrow while the code compiles it fails when i run nanopy command. So I started to make several checks and i commend it out all the logic (both in cpp and python) except the loading. It turns out that this line is responsible: ROOT.gROOT.ProcessLine(".L%s/interface/GenDecayCppWorker.h"%base)

What is important to know is that when I changed the loaded c++ from my code to a code that was already existing (mhtjuProducerCppWorker) [***], I still see exactly the same error . So I am not sure if that comes from my code anymore or it is a more general problem... Also in the error msg there is not a mention of my codes. Any ideas? Thanks in advance. If it is relevant i use CMSSW_10_4_0 with arch slc7_amd64_gcc700.

Talking to @peruzzim (thanks) he suggests it to report that and also gave me the correct thread.

Best regards,

[*] part of the lines
input_line_185:1:21: error: no class named 'TTreeReaderArray' in namespace 'std'
template class std::TTreeReaderArray;

*** Error in `python': free(): corrupted unsorted chunks: 0x00000000079e1010 ***
======= Backtrace: =========


[***] ROOT.gROOT.ProcessLine(".L %s/interface/mhtjuProducerCppWorker.h"%base)