
Install/Setup Issues

Closed this issue · 14 comments

Couldn't find PIA /AB folder under python site-packages. Only installed lxml

Is your issue occurring when trying to run pip install allen-bradley-toolkit? If so, can you post what error is being thrown on the terminal?

Make sure you have Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools Installed before running pip install allen-bradley-toolkit. Doing this may resolve your issue. Please let me know if this was helpful or if something else is causing your issue.

If you run pip freeze is allen-bradley-toolkit or lxml listed? If so, I would go ahead and run pip uninstall <package> on those two packages to ensure a clean start. I checked the install on my PC and got the error you are describing egg_info failed with error code 1. Installing the C++ build tools seemed to fix it as the package installed successfully. What version of Python are you running? This package is tested on Python 2.7. You may also want to run pip install --upgrade setuptools before reinstalling the toolkit.

Also, I found another bug that resulted from the name change and fixed it so you may need to run pip install allen-bradley-toolkit -U to update to the latest version once you do get it installed.

Keep me posted and not a problem!

Hmmm, did you uninstall the instances you had before trying to reinstall?

Can you screenshot the complete error you are getting in the terminal. I am recreating your issue in a windows 7 VM and getting a similar issue. I want to verify that it is the same one so I can get to the root.

I think I fixed the issue... You should be able to install now. If it doesnt work with pip install allen-bradley-toolkit then you may need to run with the ignore cached downloads flag by running pip install --no-cache-dir allen-bradley-toolkit

Let me know if this resolves the issue.

No problem, The API changed so let me know if have any questions regarding it. Also, Feel free to request new features via a new issue! Happy Hacking!