MageComm CLI Tool

MageComm CLI is a command line tool for managing Magento applications and deployments. It provides a convenient way to execute restricted magerun commands, manage deployments, and cat specific files within an archive. The main use case for this tool is to provide a way to execute magerun commands in a controlled manner via a messaging service. This allows us to execute commands on a remote server without exposing the application server itself

It is important to note that the environment configuration/env is important to set if you plan to use this tool in a shared rmq/sqs instance as this will prefix your queues to avoid cross communication

The tool looks for a configuration file in /etc/magecomm/(unix) / %APPDATA%\magecomm\(windows) config.yml|config.json and if none found defaults to environment variables, then fallback to default values.


Currently this tool is in beta, and is not recommended for production use. Tested commands: RMQ based magerun command publishing, message listening, cat all supported archive types


Install with binary and create configuration file in /etc/magecomm/(unix) / %APPDATA%\magecomm\(windows) or fallback to environment variables. config file can be in yaml or json format e.g config.yml or config.json WARNING: environment variables are not secure and can be easily read/modified by any user

Download the latest release from the releases page for your platform and extract to a directory in your PATH.

example config.yml:

magecomm_log_path: /var/log/magecomm.log
magecomm_log_level: warn
magecomm_max_operational_cpu_limit: 80
magecomm_max_operational_memory_limit: 80
magecomm_environment: dev
magecomm_listener_engine: sqs
sqs_aws_region: eu-west-1
rmq_tls: false
rmq_user: guest
rmq_pass: guest
rmq_host: localhost
rmq_port: 5672
rmq_vhost: /
  - magerun
  - deploy
  - cache:clean
  - cache:flush
  - setup:static-content:deploy
    - --jobs
        - --keep-generated

example config.json:

  "magecomm_log_path": /var/log/magecomm.log
  "magecomm_log_level": warn
  "magecomm_max_operational_cpu_limit": 80,
  "magecomm_max_operational_memory_limit": 80,
  "magecomm_environment": "dev",
  "magecomm_listener_engine": "sqs",
  "sqs_aws_region": "eu-west-1",
  "rmq_tls": false,
  "rmq_user": "guest",
  "rmq_pass": "guest",
  "rmq_host": "localhost",
  "rmq_port": 5672,
  "rmq_vhost": "/",
  "magecomm_listeners": [
  "magecomm_allowed_magerun_commands": [
  magecomm_restricted_magerun_command_args: {
    "setup:static-content:deploy": [
  magecomm_required_magerun_command_args: {
    "setup:upgrade": [


Global Flags

  • --debug: Enable debug mode

magecomm --debug listen
magecomm --debug magerun cache:clean
magecomm --debug cat path/to/archive.tar.gz /path/to/file.txt


magecomm magerun

  • A proxy for the magerun command via rmq/sqs with restricted command usage, allowed commands via MAGECOMM_ALLOWED_MAGERUN_COMMANDS with deeper control of args offered by MAGECOMM_RESTRICTED_MAGERUN_COMMAND_ARGS and MAGECOMM_REQUIRED_MAGERUN_COMMAND_ARGS
  • Engine (sqs|rmq), default sqs, configured in config or by ENV MAGECOMM_LISTENER_ENGINE
  • The command will publish a message and then listen for the outputs return

magecomm listen [queue1] [queue2] ...

  • Listen for messages from specified queues then handle them appropriately, fallback to config, then ENV LISTENERS
  • Engine (sqs|rmq), default sqs, configured in config or by ENV MAGECOMM_LISTENER_ENGINE

magecomm deploy [filepath]

  • (WIP) Deploy an archived file to the specified environment

magecomm cat-deploy [filepath]

  • Extract a file from the latest deployed archive and print its contents to stdout.
    Command must have at minimum the MAGECOMM_DEPLOY_ARCHIVE_PATH configured in config file or by ENV to work

magecomm cat [archive] [filepath]

  • Extract a file from an archive and print its contents to stdout, we read headers to avoid being tricked by incorrect file extensions


The tool can be configured using a yaml or json config file at /etc/magecomm/(unix) / %APPDATA%\magecomm\(windows) or by environment variables. lowercase for file based config, uppercase for ENV

  • MAGECOMM_LOG_PATH: Path to log file, default: SYSLOG
  • MAGECOMM_MAX_OPERATIONAL_CPU_LIMIT: Maximum CPU limit of system before we defer processing messages, default: 80
  • MAGECOMM_MAX_OPERATIONAL_MEMORY_LIMIT: Maximum memory limit of system before we defer processing messages, default: 80
  • MAGECOMM_ENVIRONMENT: the environment scope the tool is to work in, Default default
  • MAGECOMM_LISTENERS: Comma-separated list of queues to listen to
  • MAGECOMM_LISTENER_ENGINE: Listener engine to use (sqs/rmq), default: sqs
  • MAGECOMM_PUBLISHER_OUTPUT_TIMEOUT: Timeout for when listening to publisher message output return, default: 60s
  • MAGECOMM_ALLOWED_MAGERUN_COMMANDS comma separated list of commands allowed to be run, fallback to in-code list
  • MAGECOMM_RESTRICTED_MAGERUN_COMMAND_ARGS JSON object of commands and their restricted args, default: {}
  • MAGECOMM_REQUIRED_MAGERUN_COMMAND_ARGS JSON object of commands and their required args, default: {}
  • SQS_AWS_REGION: AWS region to use for SQS, default: eu-west-1
  • DEPLOY_ARCHIVE_PATH path to the folder that contains the archives which are deployed, default: /srv/magecomm/deploy/
  • DEPLOY_ARCHIVE_LATEST_FILE Filename of the latest archive (symlink), default: latest.tar.gz, if no value is set then MageComm will pick the latest created archive
  • RMQ_HOST Default: localhost
  • RMQ_PORT Default: 5672
  • RMQ_USER Default: ``
  • RMQ_PASS Default: ``
  • RMQ_TLS Default: false
  • RMQ_VHOST Default: /

If using SQS the Pod/Instance this is deployed on must have an IAM role with the following permissions:

  • sqs:ReceiveMessage
  • sqs:DeleteMessage
  • sqs:DeleteMessageBatch
  • sqs:GetQueueUrl
  • sqs:ListQueues
  • sqs:SendMessage
  • sqs:SendMessageBatch
  • sqs:GetQueueAttributes
  • sqs:ChangeMessageVisibility
  • sqs:ChangeMessageVisibilityBatch
  • sqs:purgeQueue
  • sts:GetCallerIdentity


  1. Listen to messages from magerun and deploy:
    magecomm listen magerun deploy

  2. Execute a magerun command using SQS as the publisher engine:
    magecomm magerun cache:clean
    magecomm magerun setup:upgrade --keep-generated

  3. Deploy a gzipped file:
    magecomm deploy path/to/archive.gz

  4. Extract and print the contents of a file from an archive (RAR, 7zip, and Xz are supported if installed)):
    magecomm cat path/to/ /path/to/file.txt
    magecomm cat path/to/archive.tar /path/to/file.txt
    magecomm cat path/to/archive.tar.gz /path/to/file.txt
    magecomm cat path/to/archive.tar.bz2 /path/to/file.txt
    magecomm cat path/to/archive.tar.xz /path/to/file.txt
    magecomm cat path/to/archive.rar /path/to/file.txt
    magecomm cat path/to/archive.7zip /path/to/file.txt

  5. Extract and print the contents of a file from the latest deploy
    magecomm cat-deploy /path/to/target/file.txt