
Add library to a package manager

PatMyron opened this issue · 2 comments

To be able to simply add something like:

compile 'edu.cmu.pocketsphinx:1.0.0'

to the app/build.gradle file in

dependencies { }

would simplify onboarding tremendously and help increase adoption.

JCenter and MavenCentral are both popular package managers for Android; JCenter is the default when creating a new Android project, so that'd probably be the best choice.

Thanks so much!

Hi @PatMyron, I just created a new library based on Pocketsphinx android. You can add RapidSphinx library to your build.gradle app.

@cesine @nshmyrev
Following the current README, I would get errors where Gradle would fail to resolve ''.
From reading this pull request here: #38, it looks like the official dependency isn't publicly accessible from Bintray yet.
From looking at this commit: cesine/pocketsphinx-android-demo@f78626e, I found a solution that works for me currently.
Created a pull request here: #40