
gcode generation issue

jazzynico opened this issue · 1 comments

Issue first reported in the Inkscape bug tracker (
For your information Inkscape 0.92 uses Gcodetools v1.7.

when i generate a gcode from a svg or a shape, i have always a dimensions problem, 10cm (in inkscape) = 28.222mm (in gcode), i tried with "gcode tools" and other 3 extensions, maybe it's swapped "mm" with "pt"

ex: (10cm square)

G00 Z5.000000
G00 X28.222222 Y0.000000
G01 Z-0.125000 F100.0(Penetrate)
G01 X28.222222 Y28.222222 Z-0.125000 F400.000000
G01 X0.000000 Y28.222222 Z-0.125000
G01 X0.000000 Y0.000000 Z-0.125000
G01 X28.222222

this would be a duplicate of #9