Links for KubeWeekly 154
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Dive - A tool for exploring a container image, layer contents, and discovering ways to shrink your image size.
OpenUnison Kubernetes Active Directory Authentication Provider - An AD authentication provider from TremoloSecurity.
Container Networking Interface aka CNI - Introduction to the Container Networking Interface
Why and how do we run Kubernetes on the Spot instances - Article from the Preply engineering team on running their Dev and QA environments on top AWS Spot Instances (with significant savings).
Effectively Managing Kubernetes Resources with Cost Monitoring - Overview of cost monitoring practices and some very useful Grafana Charts.
- Signing Helm Charts & Helm v3 with Matt Farina (video) - Presentation from the October CNCF Orchestructure meetup in Ann Arbor, MI. Matt Farina a Helm Maintainer and co-chair of sig-apps explores some advanced and often overlooked Helm techniques; along with going over whats in store for Helm v3.
Add link to Envoy Proxy starting their QUIC support:
OPA had a new v0.10 release ( + roadmap was published: