Links for KubeWeekly #155
Closed this issue · 3 comments
Links due by 11am PT on Wednesday November 7th.
@kbarnard10, here's an editor's pick - a short book that didn't make the cut in time for the 154 weekly - -
The Enterprise Path to Service Mesh Architectures
Lee Calcote, Layer5
If you scratch your head at what a service mesh is and how they provide a necessary layer of services tooling distinct from API gateways and container orchestrators, download this free short book authored by one of our own Cloud Native Ambassadors - Lee Calcote. Be sure to visit for detailed survey of the service mesh landscape.
Here is everything I think is worth sharing is this week. I think it'd be best if @kbarnard10 organizes them as categorizing things is hard enough but, wait until there's a conflict (editorial vs. technical, etc.).
The Journey to Kubernetes — "Have you wondered why Kubernetes is so popular? Discover why Kubernetes is the clear market leader in the container orchestration space in our latest addition to the Kubernetes library."
KRS: A new tool for gathering Kubernetes resource statistics — Zero-configuraton tool simplifies gathering information, such as how many pods are running in a certain namespace.
Using Kubernetes ConfigMap Resources for Dynamic Apps — "we decided to build a Golang application that would map part of its filesystem to a Kubernetes configmap resource."
Exploring container security: running and connecting to HashiCorp Vault on Kubernetes — Seth Vargo explains how Hashicorp Vault and Kubernetes work together.
The Beginner’s Guide to the CNCF Landscape — The CNCF landscape continues to grow but, if you're just starting down the path, where do you begin? Ayrat Khayretdinov of CloudOps provides a wonderful guide.
turkenh/KubeContext — Menu Bar App for Managing Kubernetes Contexts on Mac
Helm from basics to advanced — Get productive with Helm
Who Is Running My Kubernetes Pod? The Past, Present, and Future of Container Runtimes — "Between the OCI and the CRI, interoperability and choice is becoming a reality in the container runtime and orchestration ecosystem"
HUMBLE BOOK BUNDLE: DEVOPS BY O'REILLY — Kubernetes: Up and Running, Cloud Native Infrastructure, and Prometheus: Up and Running in one Humble Bundle? Shut up and take my money.
You might not need Kubernetes: Just because Kubernetes is solving problems for a lot of folks right now doesn't mean the people using Kubernetes to solve those problems are shills for the technology.
Embracing failures and cutting infrastructure costs: Spot instances in Kubernetes
Kubernetes' scheduling magic revealed — Understanding how the Kubernetes scheduler makes scheduling decisions is critical to ensure consistent performance and optimal resource utilization.
Istio: The Enterprise Upgrade Path to Microservices — Istio brings a lot to the table for folks running or wanting to run more microservices.
- [presentation] Scaling and Operating Kafka in Kubernetes (video) - A presentation from DataDog on how they manage a large scale Kafka deployment on top of Kubernetes.