KubeWeekly #167 - Week April 3rd
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Please respond to this issue with links for the next edition of KubeWeekly. Links are due by 11am PT every Wednesday. @kbarnard10 will combine the links into the final email and send out.
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Editor's picks of the highlights from the past week.
Tutorials, tools, and more that take you on a deep dive into the code.
ARTICLE TITLE - one sentence description
The Editorial
Articles, announcements, and more that give you a high-level overview of challenges and features.
- Articles must be published within the last ~1 week.
- No gated content, unless in the webinar section.
- Blog posts and videos are the preferred medium.
OperatorHub.io Operator Round-Up – Red Hat OpenShift Blog
Litmus: Journey of a storage e2e and chaos framework for Kubernetes — "The objective of the Litmus project is to help evaluate stateful workloads on Kubernetes via storage & infrastructure focused end-to-end (e2e) tests that use chaos engineering tools & principles, amongst other aids, with the test cases executed as kubernetes jobs."
Install OpenShift in a container with Weave Footloose — In this tutorial we will install OpenShift in a container using a new tool called footloose by Weaveworks.
Setting up secure endpoints in Kubernetes — "One of the most basic needs of a new application that's deployed on Kubernetes is to expose a couple of web endpoints on the public internet with different URLs and secure them with SSL"
The Road to an Envoy Service Mesh – Square Corner Blog – Medium — "Running such a diverse stack can make interoperability between the different languages/frameworks challenging, and in this post I’ll talk about how Square has handled this in the past and where we’re at today — actively migrating towards a full service mesh."
Multi-Segment Distributed Storage for Kubernetes – ITNEXT — "Each EdgeFS segment can run either within the same Kubernetes cluster as a dedicated namespace or across Kubernets clusters."
Istio monitoring explained - Giant Swarm — "There are already a lot of resources that explain what Istio looks like and how it works. I don’t want to repeat those here, so I am going to focus on one area - monitoring."
Disclosing a directory traversal vulnerability in Kubernetes copy - CVE-2019-1002101 | Twistlock — "This post explains the discovery process, the vulnerability details and its impact and exploitation methods. Thanks to Brandon Phillips Red Hat for coordinating the disclosure process."
Reducing sysadmin toil with Kubernetes controllers | Opensource.com — Controllers can ease a sysadmin's workload by handling things like creating and managing DNS addresses and SSL certificates.
Sticky Sessions in Kubernetes – Zhimin Wen – Medium — In the migration journey to the cloud, not all apps are stateless immediately. Sometimes, we still need the session affinity or sticky session for the request to come to the same pod replica that was responding to the request before.
Introduction to Amazon EKS - Anchore
How to run PostgreSQL on Kubernetes — Create uniformly managed, cloud-native production deployments with the flexibility to deploy a personalized database-as-a-service.