
[umbrella] LFX 2024 Term 2: June-August administration

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Before term

Start of term

  • Call for proposals announcement (about 1 month ahead of proposal due date --> March 24)
  • Followup announcement about 1 week ahead of deadline (--> April 17)

Proposals in

  • Load proposals into LFX platform
    • Create Jun-Aug Project, Mentor, & Mentee list (gsheet)
  • Open projects for application (LFX platform)
  • Mentee applications open announcement
    • Reach out to CNCF Socials team
    • Discussion boards
    • Linkedin/Twitter/Mastodon/others? Linkedin is most important based on previous traffic.
    • CNCF Slack (#mentoring)
  • Followup email to mentors that mentees are applying (a week before deadline -- they can start looking at their candidates)
  • Application deadline
    • Close projects for applications (LFX platform)
    • email mentors that they should be making selections
  • Create mentor email list

Application review/admission decisions

  • email mentors to make selections (share google form)
  • CNCF Selection admin (in LFX platform, accept project's selected mentee, decline others)
    • first pass complete (most projects have been processed)
    • remainder of approvals
  • Create mentee email list


  • Midterm evaluation
    • Create google form
    • Send evaluation form to mentors (about 1-2 weeks before due) - @nate-double-u to schedule an email for July 2, 2024 @ 9:00 AM Pacific time
  • Send out evaluation results & stipend instructions (Mail merge)
  • Approve stipends

End of term

  • End of term evaluation (Mentors)
    • Create google form
    • Send evaluation form to mentors (about 1-2 weeks before due)
  • Send out evaluation results & stipend instructions (Mail merge)
  • Approve stipends
  • Mentee feedback - (open form on evaluation due date, feedback/blog posts due on last day of term)
    • Send feedback form to mentees (include deadline, last day of term)
    • Send feedback reminder if needed
  • Reach out to CNCF blog team to write end of term blog post (
    • Share end of term blog post
      • Linkedin/Twitter/Mastodon
  • Update statistics

Post term

  • Send thank you email to all of the mentors
  • Plan / setup next term (terms should be planned a year in advance - at the end of this term, plan next year's)
    • 2025 Term 2