
Create a KubeCon track/slot for LFX Mentorship/GSoC success stories/ best practices

Opened this issue · 2 comments

While the LFX mentorship programme and GSoC have reaped benefits to the participating projects and mentees, there is a lack of awareness and input that comes back to the CNCF post the tenure of the mentorship.

The idea is to benefit from our efforts and ensure more participation from students and also more success stories to come out, to enable more student and project participation.

I want to kickstart this discussion around what all we can do to ensure that these stories are going back to the community or we are able to get the most out of it.

Could we create a slot at KubeCon(s) to ensure that we are getting mentees/mentors to come to the platform and share insights/best practices/ experience/ ladder ahead.

This is going to be a great way of involving students

This is a good idea. I wish there was a BOF possibility in KubeCon.

@nate-double-u @prithvi1307 we might send a proposal together where we keep it short and ask for questions.
We need a non-male person for a panel though. We have so many great mentors where we can reach out.

What do you think folks?

We do a LFX Mentorship Showcase at OSS, not exclusively CNCF, but it's helpful in showcasing mentee work.