《了解 Kubernetes Master 的可扩展性和性能 》腾讯视频的源弄错了。能否更正一下
wykwdtc opened this issue · 4 comments
wykwdtc commented
《了解 Kubernetes Master 的可扩展性和性能 》腾讯视频的源弄错了。能否更正一下
dankohn commented
@donaldliu Can you please find the right URL and open a PR?
donaldliu commented
The concerned URL (video) on QQ is:
- https://v.qq.com/x/page/w0893a3ei5b.html
Note: While the cover page of the presentation (first 3 seconds) is correct, the video content then was not.
The corresponding English version (audio mainly in English via simultaneous translation, with Chinese hard to hear) on YouTube is:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ThhTbMO1NE
- "Understanding Scalability and Performance in the Kubernetes Master - Xingyu Chen & Fansong Zeng", from KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit China 2019
It will be wonderful to locate the correct video content with Chinese audio track by the speakers (which I need help), and put it on QQ, and then open a PR.
donaldliu commented
The right URL is https://v.qq.com/x/page/v0906j1czvd.html
Please refer to #81
wykwdtc commented