
[Sandbox] OneUptime

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Project Summary

One Complete Open-Source Observability platform.

Project Description

OneUptime is a comprehensive solution for monitoring and managing your online services. Whether you need to check the availability of your website, dashboard, API, or any other online resource, OneUptime can alert your team when downtime happens and keep your customers informed with a status page. OneUptime also helps you handle incidents, set up on-call rotations, run tests, secure your services, analyze logs, track performance, and debug errors.

OneUptime replaces multiple tools with one integrated platform:

  • Uptime Monitoring: Monitor the availability and response time of your online services from multiple locations around the world. Get notified via email, SMS, Slack, or other channels when something goes wrong. Replace tools like Pingdom.
  • Status Page: Communicate with your customers and stakeholders during downtime or maintenance. Create a custom-branded status page that shows the current status and history of your services. Replace tools like
  • Incident Management: Manage incidents from start to finish with a collaborative workflow. Create incident reports, assign tasks, update stakeholders, and document resolutions. Replace tools like
  • On-call Rotation and Alerts: Schedule on-call shifts for your team and define escalation policies. Ensure that the right person is notified at the right time when an incident occurs. Replace tools like PagerDuty.
  • Tests (Coming soon): Automate testing of your online services with scripts or scenarios. Verify the functionality and performance of your APIs, web pages, or workflows. Replace tools like Postman.
  • Logs Management (Coming soon): Collect, store, and analyze logs from your online services. Search, filter, and visualize log data to gain insights and troubleshoot issues. Replace tools like Loggly. (will be implemented with OpenTelemetry)
  • Performance Monitoring (Coming soon): Measure and optimize the performance of your online services. Track key metrics such as response time, throughput, error rate, and user satisfaction. Replace tools like NewRelic. (will be implemented with OpenTelemetry)

All under one platform.

Org repo URL (provide if all repos under the org are in scope of the application)

Project repo URL in scope of application

Additional repos in scope of the application


Website URL


Roadmap context


Contributing Guide

Code of Conduct (CoC)


No response

Contributing or Sponsoring Org


Maintainers file

IP Policy

  • If the project is accepted, I agree the project will follow the CNCF IP Policy

Trademark and accounts

  • If the project is accepted, I agree to donate all project trademarks and accounts to the CNCF


Contributing OneUptime to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) aligns with our vision of fostering an open-source observability platform that is built on open telemetry. Here are some reasons why we believe being a part of the CNCF would be beneficial for OneUptime:

  1. Community and Ecosystem: CNCF has a vibrant and diverse community of developers and companies. Contributing to CNCF would provide OneUptime with a platform to reach a larger audience, gain more contributors, and collaborate with other projects. This can lead to faster innovation and improvement of the project.

  2. Visibility and Credibility: Being a part of CNCF can increase the visibility of OneUptime. It can also provide credibility to the project as CNCF is recognized for hosting high-quality cloud-native open source projects.

  3. Alignment with Open Telemetry: Since Open Telemetry is already a part of CNCF, contributing OneUptime to CNCF would align the project with its underlying technology. This can lead to better integration and collaboration with Open Telemetry.

  4. Governance and Best Practices: CNCF provides a neutral home for projects and helps with setting up governance structures and following best practices for open source projects. This can help in the sustainable growth of OneUptime.

  5. Resources and Support: CNCF provides projects with resources such as infrastructure support, marketing support, and event opportunities which can aid in the growth and adoption of OneUptime.

We chose CNCF because it aligns with our goals and expectations for OneUptime. We believe that being a part of CNCF will provide OneUptime with the right platform and resources to grow and succeed. We look forward to contributing to the cloud-native ecosystem and working with the Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) to align our expectations.

Benefit to the Landscape

Adding OneUptime to the CNCF landscape would provide several benefits and enhancements to the existing projects and capabilities:

  1. Enhanced Observability: OneUptime, being an open-source observability platform, can enhance the observability capabilities within the CNCF landscape. It can provide detailed insights into the performance of cloud-native applications, which is crucial for maintaining the reliability and efficiency of these applications.

  2. Integration with Open Telemetry: Since OneUptime is built on Open Telemetry, it can provide a seamless integration with this CNCF project. This can enhance the capabilities of Open Telemetry and provide users with a comprehensive solution for observability.

  3. Addressing Challenges: OneUptime can address several challenges within the CNCF landscape, such as the need for a scalable, reliable, and easy-to-use observability platform. It can also address the challenge of integrating different observability tools and technologies.

  4. Innovation and Diversity: Adding OneUptime to the CNCF landscape can bring innovation and diversity to the ecosystem. It can provide a new approach to observability, which can inspire other projects and contribute to the overall growth and evolution of the CNCF landscape.

OneUptime can provide a significant enhancement to the CNCF landscape by addressing key challenges, enhancing observability capabilities, and bringing innovation and diversity to the ecosystem.

Cloud Native 'Fit'

OneUptime fits into the Cloud Native landscape as an observability platform that embodies several key elements of cloud-native principles:

  1. Microservices Architecture: OneUptime is designed to monitor and observe microservices-based applications, which are a fundamental part of the cloud-native landscape. It can provide insights into the performance and health of each microservice, thereby embodying the principle of loosely coupled systems.

  2. Containerization: OneUptime supports the monitoring of containerized applications, which is a core aspect of cloud-native applications. It can provide detailed metrics about the performance of containers, thereby exemplifying the principle of containerization.

  3. Dynamic Orchestration: OneUptime can integrate with orchestration platforms like Kubernetes, which is a key component of cloud-native applications. It can monitor the dynamic scaling and management of applications, thereby embodying the principle of dynamic orchestration.

  4. Observability: OneUptime embodies the cloud-native principle of observability by providing detailed insights into the performance of cloud-native applications. It can collect metrics, traces, and logs, and provide a unified view of the system's behavior.

Cloud Native 'Integration'

OneUptime complements and depends on several CNCF projects:

  1. OpenTelemetry: OneUptime is built on OpenTelemetry, which is a CNCF project. It uses OpenTelemetry to collect metrics, traces, and logs from applications. This provides a unified way to observe the performance of applications.

  2. Prometheus: OneUptime can integrate with Prometheus, another CNCF project, to collect metrics from applications. This allows OneUptime to provide detailed insights into the performance of applications.

  3. Fluentd: OneUptime can use Fluentd, a CNCF project, for log data collection. This enables OneUptime to provide comprehensive log monitoring capabilities.

  4. Kubernetes: OneUptime can integrate with Kubernetes, a key CNCF project, to monitor the performance of containerized applications. This allows OneUptime to provide insights into the dynamic scaling and management of applications.

  5. gRPC: OneUptime can use gRPC, a CNCF project, for efficient, high-performance communication between its components. This enhances the performance and scalability of OneUptime.

Cloud Native Overlap


Similar projects

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Business Product or Service to Project separation

OneUptime runs a commercial SaaS service on We have the open source repo and work hosted on a seperate domain - If CNCF has any more ideas on this. We would be very happy to discuss.

Project presentations


Project champions


Additional information