when will be support for v10.1.0.73491
johnfelipe opened this issue · 7 comments
Is important create this perfect reporting plugin for v10.x
is possible view a roadmap or kanban for this
Hello, my colleague Petr Mach and I have updated the compatibility with version sonarqube 10.x. It is necessary to modify pom.xml, api.js, AbstractDataProvider.java and AbstractQualityGateProvider.java. I am attaching the updated files in a zip folder.
Is only replace in root path that files?
@johnfelipe I successfully generated a cnes report using SonarQube 10.2.1 build 78527 on Windows Server using Almas pull request "Added version 10.x support" #368.
I did have to tweak the commit done by @Sancretor to set the com.google.protobuf:protobuf-java
dependency version to 3.22.2
. Trying to run with the version 4.0.0-rc-2
merged with 2089d78 caused an "HTTP Status 500 Internal Server Error" which is due to this error in web.log
javax.servlet.ServletException: 'boolean com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageV3$Builder.parseUnknownField(com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite, int)'
The exact version of cnesreport I built from is:
PS C:\dev\sqreport\sonar-cnes-report> git branch -vv
* almas/master 1ab6a25 #365 It's just related files lint fixes.
master f7ab23b [origin/master] Merge pull request #353 from tcsabina/master
PS C:\dev\sqreport\sonar-cnes-report>
which produced cnesreport-4.2.1.jar
Hello, thanks for the interest, however, we only support the LTS version, which is currently not available for the v10.