
JXColl IPFIX Collector

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


JXColl (Java XML Collector of IPFIX messages) represents the middle component of the SLAmeter network traffic measurement/monitoring tool. It represents the collector of an IPFIX-based network flow measurement platform. The collector serves one or more collecting processes. This process receives records about IP flows from one or more exporters. The architecture of JXColl is as follows:

JXColl, based on the configured mode, can either store the obtained IPFIX flow records in a database or can send it directly (using the ACP protocol) for direct processing and visualisation. The data stored in the database (MongoDB) is destined for analysis of historical data. This is performed in full conformity with the IPFIX specification.

JXColl is also capable of generating accounting-related information. These information can be used for billing based on the used protocol types, IP addresses and time-base characteristics.

  • Version: 4.0.1

  • Version state: stable, the development was concluded in 2015

  • Developers:

    • Pavol Beňko
    • Matúš Husovský
    • Marek Marcin
    • Samuel Tremko
    • Adrián Pekár
    • Tomáš Vereščák
    • Tomáš Baksay
    • Jakub Vargosko
    • Michal Kaščák
    • Ľuboš Koščo
  • License: GNU GPLv3

  • Implementation environment: openjdk-7-jre-headless


The documentation is available only in Slovak language:

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System Requirements

  • Operating System: GNU/Linux i386 or amd64 architecture

  • Hardware:

    • processor: 1GHz+ (depends on the traffic load to measure)
    • memory: 512MB+ (depends on the configure cache size) - the memory requirements are based on the number of concurent monitorings through the ACP protocol (direct transfer of information to the analysing application). For standard run, JXColl requires at least 120 MB memory, however, with ACP and the modul for one-way delay measurement the recommended memory is at least 512 MB.
    • size on disk: min 1 GB (depends on the volume of data to be stored in the DB as well the DB location) - The installed program on disk occupies approximately 2.3 MB. The JXColl daemon logs into /var/log/jxcoll/ and based on the configured level of logging to ALL or DEBUG these log messages can have a substantial size. After the size of the log message reaches 100 MB, the contain is archived and compressed. The last 10 rotations are archived (1 GB of log output).
    • other: network interface card (NIC)

Note that monitoring a large-scale network requires larger system requirements

  • Software:

    • MongoDB
    • Java Runtime Environment (JRE) v1.7.03
    • lksctp-tools
  • Dependencies within SLAmeter * Exporter: JXColl depends on MyBeem, however, it should also be able to process IPFIX messages from other flow exporters (both hardware and software implementations).

Installation on Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS

Install MongoDB

1. First, it is necessary to import the public GPG key
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv 7F0CEB10
2. Then, we add the repository
echo "deb http://repo.mongodb.org/apt/ubuntu "$(lsb_release -sc)"/mongodb-org/3.0 multiverse" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-3.0.list
3. Subsequently we update the databaze of packages
sudo apt-get update
4. Then, we install MongoDB
sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-org

Installation of other dependencies

The installation of Java JRE 7 and lksctp-tools can be performed executing:

sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre-headless lksctp-tools

Installation of JXColl using the .deb installation package

1. Download the DEB package
sudo wget https://github.com/cnl-monica/jxcoll/blob/master/deb/jxcoll_4.0.1_i386.deb --no-check-certificate 
2. Install the DEB package using the following command:
sudo dpkg -i jxcoll_4.0.1_i386.deb 

Set the configuration file

Before running the program set the configuration file /etc/jxcoll/jxcoll_config.xml. Make sure you configure the protocol for incoming messages (Netflow/IPFIX) and the database to be used.

The description of the configuration file parameters are provided below.

Runing the program using the script

The program can be run using the following command:

sudo /etc/init.d/jxcolld start

or using the command:


Run the program using the .jar file without installation

The program can be also run without installation. The .jar file is located in the /dist folder including all the libraries necessary for running the program. The entire distribution of JXColl can be downloaded using:

wget https://github.com/cnl-monica/jxcoll/archive/master.zip --no-check-certificate

Unzip the package:

unzip master.zip

If you want to run the program using the .jar file, you need to know how to set the path to the libraries required by JXColl. The required libraries are provided in the \dist directory.

Tu run the program, change directory (cd) to the \dist folder and run the file using:

java -jar jxcoll.jar

Before running the program, it is necessary to copy ipfixFields.xml (the file specifying the information elements that are supported by JXColl) and jxcoll_config.xml (the configuration file) to the appropriate locations.

How to use the program

JXColl is a console application. When installed using the DEB package, JXColl is run automatically during system boot as a daemon. The JXColl daemon (jxcolld) can be managed using the following command:

sudo /etc/init.d/jxcolld <command> 

where command can be one of the following :

  • start if not running yet, this starts the JXColl daemon,
  • stop exits the operation of the JXColl daemon,
  • restart stops and starts the JXColl daemon,
  • status shows the status (running/not running) of the JXColl daemon,
  • usage / help shows information about how to operate the JXColl daemon.

After install, the JXColl daemon is not running. It will be start automatically after system reboot. Alternatively, using the above provided command one can start the daemon. The program logs are saved in the following file:


where Y - year, M - month, D - day, H - hour, m - minute, s - second of the started JXColl daemon.

When JXColl was installed using the DEB package, it can be also run using the following command:

jxcoll [--logtofile] 

--logtofile is an optional parameter. If it is provided, the outputs of the program will be redirected into the specified file. Note that if the user running this command is not root, sudo privilige will be required:

sudo jxcoll [--logtofile] 

As most of the applications in the Linux operating system, JXColl also has a manual page (man) that can be shown using the following command:

man jxcoll 

a man page is also provided for the configuration file:

man jxcoll_config 

In the case of operating systems other than Ubuntu/Debian, or if manual start of the program is required, JXColl can be run using the Java interpreter with the optional parameter consisting of the path (relative or absolute) to the configuration file:

java -jar jxcoll.jar [/path/to/the/config/jxcoll_config.xml] [--logtofile] 

If the path to the configuration file is not provided, the program will automatically assume the use of the configuration file located at:


If the configuration file is not found, the application will exit with an error message.

A further requirement for running JXColl is the ipfixFields.xml file. The path to this file can be set in the configuration jxcoll_config file. When at program start the ipfixFields.xml file is not located at the location as defined in the configuration file, the program exits with an error message. When the path to this file is not set, JXColl automatically assumes that the file is located at /etc/jxcoll/ipfixFields.xml. If the file cannot be located here either, JXColl stops it operation. Withouth this JXColl cannot detect the data obtained from the IPFIX messages.

Description of the dialog beteen the program and the user

As JXColl is a console application, it does not provide any graphical user interface. The error messages are shown in the same console window as the program was run. Alternatively, the outputs are redirected into the log file if it was set so in the configuration file.

The program can be stopped using the CTRL + C keys or sending the SIGTERM or SIGINT signals to the PID of the program:

kill -SIGTERM pid_of_jxcoll 

When the program was installed on Ubuntu/Debian operating systems using the DEB package, JXColl can be stopped using the init.d script (see above).

Description of the configuration file

The configuration file is passed to the program as a parameter. The individual configuration parameters are grouped according to the modules they affect. These parameter with their default and valid values as well as description are provided in the tables below.

If any of the parameters are not configured (left blank), the parameter is automatically set to the default value. The parameter is given in the following format:

< name_of_parameter > value < \name_of_parameter >

The configuration file can also contain comments:

< ! -- comment -- >

As the parameters are passed to the program as plain text, the administrator must make sure the passwords are secured.

Global parameters

Parameter Default value Valid values Description
logLevel ERROR ALL, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, TRACE, ERROR, FATAL, OFF level of logging
ipfixFiledsXML /etc/jxcoll/ipfixFields.xml valid path path to the XML file containing the configuration
ipfixTemplateTimeout 300 integer larger than 0 time after the expiration of which the IPFIX template is considered as invalid
listenPort 9996 integer in the range of <0-65535> (that is available) port for listening for incoming IPFIX messages
receiveUDP no yes, no receiving IPFIX messages using UDP
receiveTCP no yes, no receiving IPFIX messages using TCP
receiveSCTP no yes, no receiving IPFIX messages using SCTP
maxConnections 10 1-20 max. number of connections (only for TCP or SCTP)
Moduel: Module for synchronising the exporters (sync)
makeSync no yes, no parameter defines whether the collector acts as a snychronisation server towards the exporters (required for the OWD measurement)
listenSynchPort 5544 integer in the range of <0-65535> (that is available) port for listening for synchronisation messages

Module for measuring one-way delay (owd)

Parameter Default value Valid values Description
measureOwd no yes , no turn the measurement of OWD on/off
owdStart_ObservationPointTemplateID 256 identifier of the template that is in conformity with IPFIX ID of the template that is used for the start of OWD measurement
owdStart_ObservationDomainID 0 identifier of the domain that is in conformity with IPFIX ID of the domain where OWD measurement starts
owdStart_Host FQDN or IP FQDN or IP of the observation point
owdStart_ObservationPointID 123 identifier of the observation point that is in conformity with IPFIX ID of the observation point that is used for the start of OWD measurement
owdEnd_ObservationPointTemplateID 257 identifier of the template that is in conformity with IPFIX ID of the template that is used for the end of OWD measurement
owdEnd_ObservationDomainID 0 identifier of the domain that is in conformity with IPFIX ID of the domain where OWD measurement ends
owdEnd_Host FQDN or IP FQDN or IP of the observation point
owdEnd_ObservationPointID 321 identifier of the observation point that is in conformity with IPFIX ID of the observation point that is used for the end of OWD measurement
passiveTimeout 5000 integer larger than 0 passiveTimeout, that is set on the exporters
activeTimeout 10000 integer larger than 0 activeTimeout, that is set on the exporters

Module for sending flow data directly to the analysing application (acp)

Parameter Default value Valid values Description
acpTransfer no yes, true, no, false sets the direct transmission of flow data to the analysing application
acpPort 2138 integer in the range of <0-65535> (that is available) port, that runs the service for ACP
acpLogin bm user name user name for the connection
acpPassword bm password password for the connection

Module for storing flow data in the database

Parameter Default value Valid values Description
dbExport yes yes, true, no, false Data export to DB is on/off
dbHost localhost FQDN or IP of the dabase The address of the DB server
dbPort 5432 port on the DB listens for connections port on which the DB server runs
dbName bm name of the database name of the DB where the data is going to be stored
dbLogin bm user name user name of the DB connection
dbPassword bm password password for the DB connection

Module used for accounting

Parameter Default value Valid values Description
accExport no yes, true, no, false sending accounting related information to postgresql is on/off
AccRecordExportInterval 60 integer larger than 0 time after the expiration of which the information are stored in the database
collectorID 1 integer larger than 0 ID of the collector

Description of messages for system programmer

During program run various messages at various levels are shown on the output. These messages can vary from errors to information. The log subsystem of the program can be configured at verious levels. These levels and their description is provided in the table below. Each level contain levels at lower layers. For example, for ERROR level, messages of type FATAL will be also shown. For production, ERROR is the suggested level of logging.

Message Type Description
ALL all types of messages are shown
DEBUG shows complex messages in detail for troubleshooting and debugging
INFO program informs about its operation
WARN messages related to possible errors or wrong interpretation of input data
TRACE messages related to the program state
ERROR messages related to data
FATAL messages that raise doe to the crash of the program and that require program restart
OFF turns off all log messages

Error messages

When running the program, the following error messages can raise.


[main] DEBUG sk.tuke.cnl.bm.JXColl.export.DBExport - Connecting to postgres@jdbc:postgresql://
[main] ERROR sk.tuke.cnl.bm.JXColl.export.DBExport - Connection refused. 
Check that the hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections.
[main] INFO sk.tuke.cnl.bm.JXColl.export.DBExport - Login failed. org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Connection refused. 
Check that the hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections. SQL error
[main] INFO sk.tuke.cnl.bm.JXColl.export.DBExport - Login failed. org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: 
FATAL: password authentication failed for user ”postgres” SQL error

Description and resolution:

JXColl was unable to connect to the database. Check the connection string (address, port, user name and password). Also check blocking at the level of firewall/ACL.


[main] INFO sk.tuke.cnl.bm.JXColl.Config - Loading config file: /zla/cesta/k/jxcoll.conf
[main] ERROR sk.tuke.cnl.bm.JXColl.Config - Could not load property file: /zla/cesta/k/jxcoll.conf !

Description and resolution:

The program cannot read the configuration file. Check whether the /etc/jxcoll/jxcoll.conf exists or the path to this file is correct.


[main] FATAL sk.tuke.cnl.bm.JXColl.IpfixElements - XML file ”/path/to/the/ipfixFields.xml” was not found!
[main] FATAL sk.tuke.cnl.bm.JXColl.JXColl - JXColl could not start because of an error while processing XML file!

Description and resolution:

The ipfixFields.xml file was not found. Check whether the path set in the configuration file is correct or in the default directory (/etc/jxcoll/ipfixFields.xml).


[ACP Thread 4] ERROR sk.tuke.cnl.bm.JXColl.export.ACPIPFIXWorker - IO EXCEPTION :null
[ACP Thread 4] DEBUG sk.tuke.cnl.bm.JXColl.export.ACPIPFIXWorker - Closing connection in try-catch

Description and resolution:

This messages is related to the ACP protocol. JXColl will automatically recover and await connection through ACP.


[[Net Parser] ERROR sk.tuke.cnl.bm.JXColl.export.DBExport - Check if is DB connected failed: java.lang.NullPointerException

Description and resolution:

During data processing the was a connection interruption with the DB. Check network connectivity.


[Net Parser] ERROR sk.tuke.cnl.bm.JXColl.RecordDispatcher - Element with ID: 74 is not supported, skipped! Update XML file!

Description and resolution:

During data processing, an information element was found that is not supported. JXColl will skip processing this information element. If the procsseing of this information element should be supported by JXColl, check whether it is provided in the ipfixFields.xml file. If the element is not supported, it is necessary to implement it.


[Net Parser] ERROR sk.tuke.cnl.bm.JXColl.RecordDispatcher - i.e. ’icmpTypeCodeIPv6’ (unsigned16) - received data has wrong datatype! (4 bytes)
[Net Parser] ERROR sk.tuke.cnl.bm.JXColl.RecordDispatcher - Skipping this element DB exportation!

Description and resolution:

During data processing the size of the information element is not corresponding with the size provided in the ipfixFields.xml file. JXColl will skip the processing of this element. The error is most probably in the exporter.


[Net Parser] ERROR sk.tuke.cnl.bm.JXColl.RecordDispatcher - ”i.e. ’mplsLabelStackSection5’ - Cannot decode datatype: octetArray
[Net Parser] ERROR sk.tuke.cnl.bm.JXColl.RecordDispatcher - Skipping this element DB exportation!

Description and resolution:

During data processing, the data type of the information element cannot be decoded by JXColl. JXColl will skip processing this element. The implementation of decoding this data type must be performed in the JXColl.

Error messages related to the Java Virtual Machine

The program is interpreted in the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Errors, that can raise and are not catched correctly by the program are errors, that were not expected and are easily identified in logger style usually containing Java Error and Java Exception strings. Usually, part of the buffer is also shown on the output. In general, these are three lines in the hierarchy of the called method that failed. Such errors usually raise due to program function crash and JXColl must be restarted. This type of error can be fixed only in the source code and is considered as programming error.