
同步下载 硬盘大小的问题。

sm0king opened this issue · 1 comments

于是同步模式我用的 syncModel: 'exist', 并设置了 scopes。
现在问题是,我随便一用,90G 的硬盘就没了~ 有点儿懵,为什么会要用到这么大的硬盘?
一般会需要多大的硬盘? 我是配置哪里设置错了吗?
求教 求教~


   * sync configs

  // the official npm registry
  // cnpm wont directly sync from this one
  // but sometimes will request it for some package infomations
  // please don't change it if not necessary
  officialNpmRegistry: '',
  officialNpmReplicate: '',
  cnpmRegistry: '',

  // sync source, upstream registry
  // If you want to directly sync from official npm's registry
  // please drop them an email first
  sourceNpmRegistry: '',
  sourceNpmWeb: '',

  // upstream registry is base on cnpm/ or not
  // if your upstream is official npm registry, please turn it off
  sourceNpmRegistryIsCNpm: true,

  // if install return 404, try to sync from source registry
  syncByInstall: true,

  // sync mode select
  // none: do not sync any module, proxy all public modules from sourceNpmRegistry
  // exist: only sync exist modules
  // all: sync all modules
  syncModel: 'exist', // 'none', 'all', 'exist'

  syncConcurrency: 1,
  // sync interval, default is 10 minutes
  syncInterval: '10m',

  // sync polular modules, default to false
  // because cnpm can't auto sync tag change for now
  // so we want to sync popular modules to ensure their tags
  syncPopular: false,
  syncPopularInterval: '1h',
  // top 100
  topPopular: 100,

  // sync devDependencies or not, default is false
  syncDevDependencies: false,
  // try to remove all deleted versions from original registry
  syncDeletedVersions: true,

  // changes streaming sync
  syncChangesStream: false,
  syncDownloadOptions: {
    // formatRedirectUrl: function (url, location)
  handleSyncRegistry: '',

如果开启了 syncModel: 'exist' 这个模式的话,同步的包会叠量增加。淘宝镜像资源上的包的话全部同步的话,硬盘空间全量的话可能会需要有 ITB