

danielsss opened this issue · 1 comments

npm logout --registry=https://registry.xnpm.* gets error as below:

10 verbose Darwin 20.6.0
11 verbose argv "/usr/local/bin/node" "/usr/local/lib/node_modules/cnpm/node_modules/.bin/npm" "--userconfig=/Users/*/.cnpmrc" "--disturl=" "--registry=https://registry.xnpm.*" "logout"
12 verbose node v16.8.0
13 verbose npm  v6.14.15
14 error code E404
15 error 404 Not Found - DELETE https://registry.xnpm.*/-/user/token/* - [not_found] document not found
16 verbose exit [ 1, true ]
  • Tried to fix this issue

I've added /-/user/token instead of /-/npm/v1/tokens/token/:UUID and then, error disappeared.

Obviously, the error caused by router claims or NPM version. I don't know what is the best plan to fix this issue, then only reports here.

We have not implemented this interface yet. 😭