
Proxy toolchains from Huak's top-level bin directory

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├── bin
│  ├── huak
│  ├── python
│  ├── uv
│  └── <other>
├── settings.toml
└── toolchains
    ├── cpython-3.12.1
    │  ├── python
    │  └── <other>
    └── pypy-3.10

More detail from notes

  • Installation
    • curl/windows option/build from source/pypi
      • Q: Via pypi custom installation steps like setting up ~/.huak and installing tools like uv and a default toolchain would be less-than-ideal from a pypi workflow
    • Download and setup ~/.huak default contents
      • settings.toml
      • env
      • downloads
        • source-cpython-3.12.1 (TODO: Currently linking but this should be downloaded and moved as needed/eliminate waste)
          • install
      • bin
        • python
        • huak (standalone)
        • uv (standalone)
        • ruff (standalone)
        • twine (proxy)
        • pytest (proxy)
        • mypy (proxy)
        • <installed> (proxy)
        • <installed> (proxy)
      • toolchains (This is specifically managed sets of tools for Python development)
        • settings.toml
        • huak
          • python
          • twine
          • pytest
          • mypy (To be replaced by ruff/other)
        • default (TODO)
          • python
          • <installed>
          • <installed>