
HETYPE in simplex/tetrahedron/pos.h unexpected token

Cervidellus opened this issue · 3 comments

Trying to compile a simple application that loads a mesh with importerOBJ in visual studio 2019.

I get several errors, some of them I ignore as they relate to things that are deprecated in c++14 and removed from c++17 (strcpy, std::unary_function).

But I also get a C2760 "syntax error:unexpected token 'identifier', expected ';'
coming from line 383 of pos.h.

There it declares a HETYPE ht=*this;

I can't figure out where HETYPE is defined? Or how to get my code to compile with it there?

The library right now supports only c++11, sorry.

About HETYPE, I really don't know what it is and why is it there, but it seems that can be ignored by not defining the _DEBUG macro, which is defined by visual studio when compiling with debug symbols.

I commented all of this function and it worked

-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release fixed it