
Docs & Setup: SSH key setup is still unclear

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Assigning to myself as a reminder. I just tried to set up SSH keys for CoApp's GitHub on a brand new Git/Git Extensions install. It's still possible to tie yourself in knots with various versions of ssh/putty.exe - I think forking the Git Extensions installer is in order.

  • GE should use a local copy of plink/putty rather than installing its own
  • There should be a way to provide a setup checklist (I'm remembering the SQL Server setup UI here) and check various configs on the user's system - Git Extensions itself has one, but it confused me more because it was validating its own copy of Putty.
  • Git Environment setup is a bit hairy - especially if you're running in Powershell, it's not a good idea to add C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin to the path - it contains quite a few Cygwin-y utilities which clash with Powershell aliases.
    • PS specific, but when I Set-Alias git C:.... it worked up until I called coapp-src.cmd, because of course the batch file doesn't know about my aliases. In this instance it was eaiser to edit the DVCS variable in the batch file...
    • There is a plink command which would stop the "Host key is not cached"-related problems - might be worth adding this to the doco.
  • May be worth my time to fork GitHub's setup info and tailor it for CoApp