Symfony Time Sheet Exercise

A simple Symfony time sheet exercise.

Technologies Used

  • Symfony
  • Doctrine
  • Behat (and PHPUnit)
  • Composer
  • Bower
  • NodeJS
  • ReactJS (using Babel JS and ECMAScript 2015)
  • PHP 7
  • Twig
  • and more!


  • PHP 7
  • VirtualBox
  • Vagrant
  • NodeJs

Get Started

This exercise is run on a Homestead Vagrant machine. To get started, run the following:

composer install
NOTE: Composer will ask for some parameter information,
see the Parameters.yml section below when composer says
"Some parameters are missing. Please provide them."

After composer is done installing the dependencies, continue by running the following:

npm install
bower install
vagrant up
NOTE: In order to connect to the vagrant machine, make sure
there is an entry within your `/etc/hosts` file for the
IP address listed in `Homestead.yaml` (


By default, app/config/parameters.yml is ignored in Symfony projects. Being this is a practice repo, and security is not important, the parameters are provided here:

    database_port: null
    database_name: php_exercise
    database_user: homestead
    database_password: secret
    mailer_transport: smtp
    mailer_user: null
    mailer_password: null
    secret: 88833c3ff83625cca25b50f0754e6b032e126ee4

Create the database

Within the project folder, run vagrant ssh to ssh into the vagrant machine.

Once you are at the command prompt for the vagrant machine, run the following to create the database:

cd ~/php-exercise
php bin/console doctrine:database:create
NOTE: Normally you would want to modify the mysql database collation and
character set to use utf8mb4 by default but, because this is just a
practice exercise, you can skip this part if you want. See for more details.

Create Database Schema

To create the schema for the database, run the following in the php-exercise folder on your vagrant machine:

./bin/console doctrine:migration:migrate -n

Load Fixture Data (Optional)

If you would like to add fake data to the database, run the following within the project directory on the vagrant machine:

./bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load -n
NOTE: This will flush all the data in your database.

Run Behat Tests

If you would like to run the behat tests for the application, run the following from within the project directory on the vagrant machine:

NOTE: This will flush all the data in your database.


Open in your browser and you should see the practice application.

To Do

A couple of things were skimped on in order to get this project up and running quickly. Therefore, this practice symfony project has some room to grow. Here are a couple of things that could make it better!

  • Core tests could be written for each of the entity classes. Right now there are only tests for the API.
  • User input validation does not happen on front-end or back-end.
  • Webpack is used for scripts and gulp is used for styles. It'd be good to use webpack for both.
  • is not idempotent
  • The interface could be prettier.
  • The API could utilize PUT in addition to POST but POST works for now.
  • Only one Time Sheet is editable. The interface could allow for new Time Sheets to be created.
  • Some node modules need to be upgraded.
  • Code compilation and minification are not prepped for production.
  • A nifty installation script would be neat.
  • Some JS functionality could be refactored and moved into the util.js file to keep things DRY.