
[documentation request] about setting up Mailgun

Closed this issue · 2 comments


I've been running my blog successfully on Heroku for 2 years thanks to your great work.
Recently, I've managed to lock myself out due to NOT having configured Mailgun correctly to start with, resulting in recovery emails not being sent.
Long story short, my Mailgun account is now verified, and I'm trying to setup the remaining variables to get my domain verified.

  1. Add DNS Records For Sending
    TXT records (known as SPF & DKIM) are required to send and receive email with Mailgun.
  1. Add DNS Records For Tracking
    The CNAME record is necessary for tracking opens, clicks, and unsubscribes.

As I'm just using as DNS, I'm lost as to where I should set up those variables.
Any help or pointers to documentation would be welcome.

Best regards,

(currently dead blog at

Sorry to hear you ran into trouble with this. I’m not actually sure what the answer is, given that you’re using a Heroku subdomain rather than one you control, but Heroku or Mailgun’s support teams should be able to shed some light on the situation.

I’m going to close this issue here though, as it’s not really related to this codebase. Hope you find a solution! 🙂

@KageKirin Did you solve the issue? I'm in the same situation.