
Change app's name by following the guide but it's still

bachdgvn opened this issue · 2 comments

I followed your guide to change YOURAPPNAME to my app's name.
git clone
cd ghost-on-heroku

heroku git:remote -a MYAPPNAME
heroku info

I changed PUBLIC_URL.value in app.json then

git add .
git commit -m "Important changes"
git push heroku master

After heroku run update, it's still
Did I edit wrong file?

@bachdgvn, there's a file in the bin folder called create-config, which creates config.production.json during the build process using the config vars in your heroku app (process.env.PUBLIC_URL is one of them), so you don't need to update app.js.

All you need to do is login to your heroku account, open your app and then go to the Settings tab. Click Reveal Config Vars and then add an entry called PUBLIC_URL if it's not already there. This should be (of course replace this with the full URL of your heroku app).

Hope this helps.

mars commented

Updating the app name is also possible via command line (CLI):

heroku config:set

The value must match your built-in app name or a custom domain you’ve setup.