Error on Notification Coc-Rename -> "rename": rename provider not found for current buffer
dseeni opened this issue · 2 comments
dseeni commented
System Details
- Vim or NeoVim?: NeoVim 0.5
NVIM v0.5.0-dev+1118-gdf4440024 - _Version of
0.1.4 - Operating System: Windows
- PowerShell version (in PowerShell:
): 7.1.3
Issue Description
We used to be able to rename functions and variables in powershell right? It is no longer working, using coc-rename
Error on Notificatioon "rename": rename provider not found for current buffer
Does coc-powershell provide rename functionality for functions and variables??
Can someone else please confirm?
TylerLeonhardt commented
PowerShell's language server does not support renaming at this time... upstream: PowerShell/vscode-powershell#261
dseeni commented
Thanks for the clarification Tyler!
I somehow thought it used to work via the lsp, my mistake.