
Terrible project name!

yonas opened this issue · 4 comments

yonas commented

I'm shocked that you would name the project "cocaine". I understand it stands for "Configurable Omnipotent Custom Applications Integrated Network Engine", but that's no excuse for using this name.

I can tell just by the forced use of "Omnipotent" that you purposely were looking for a way to use the word cocaine as your project name.

Why do you want us to be thinking about cocaine? Are you trying to legitimize cocaine use? Do you not know how dangerous a substance it is, and how many lives it has ruined? Or is cocaine just a big joke in Russia, and to everyone that works at Yandex?

Apparently that must be the case, so let me tell you this - cocaine isn't a joke. Use of cocaine can lead to addiction, dependence, emotional-motivational withdrawls, overdose, and sudden death. Cocaine production has led to untold loss of life in some areas of South America due to the gang violence that has surrounded the trade in recent years. Is that really what you want this project, and everyone contributing to it, to be associated with?

This project name is like a bad joke that no one bothered to do anything about. If I worked at Yandex, I would be extremely ashamed. I can't help wonder how many people abuse cocaine at Yandex for this project name to be allowed.

3Hren commented

Such a shame! Nevertheless, it's an open-source community shame.

Also there are slaves in the project. Slavery isn't a joke! It has ruined so many lives of predial serfs and... you know... them. Slavery can lead to overlords, overseers and sudden Mr. White feeling.

So fucking terrible.

yonas commented

Nevertheless, it's an open-source community shame.

Why? Do you not have the ability to rename the project? If Yandex received this project from Andrey Sibiryov, as mentioned in Wikipedia, then the Yandex team could have renamed the project at that point, or forked it. There's nothing stopping you from renaming the project, as many other open source projects have renamed their projects.

Also there are slaves in the project. Slavery isn't a joke! It has ruined so many lives of predial serfs and... you know... them. Slavery can lead to overlords, overseers and sudden Mr. White feeling.

I'm glad you find it funny Evgeny. Very mature of you.

The team, or original project owner, clearly went out of their way to name this project "cocaine", but for what reason? Because cocaine is so hilarious? Because you enjoy using it so much?

This project doesn't exist in a bubble Evgeny, although you might personally be trying to. Legitimizing cocaine abuse should not be your priority, and isn't responsible behaviour for a company as large as Yandex.

3Hren commented

Nope, I can only send PRs.

You can too. Moreover, you must; such things won't be resolved themselves just because someone created an issue. Make a pull request, otherwise all this is a dangerous inaction!

Hey Yonas,

All drugs should be legal and accessible, so that people have more freedom of choice in ways to kill themselves, which, unfortunately, is limited now to alcohol, tobacco and sugar, in most countries.

But rejoice! Some liberal governments already realized the downsides of these overly restrictive policies, and now allow and sometimes even provide such things as marijuana (e.g. certain states of the US, Netherlands and so on) or plain euthanasia (e.g. Belgium, Ireland and much more) for their citizens.

So I'm gonna lock this thread down until cocaine is legal again and then come back and publicly shame you for your bigoted and small-minded world views that you tried to impose on others here.

Now, go and do something useful for the world, Yonas.

EDIT: Spelled the issue author's name wrong.