
Desktop viewer page - more advice to the user for virt-viewer

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Page: VM -<> Console [Desktop Viewer]

Currently that shows


This would be even better if it also suggested: virt-viewer --connect qemu+ssh://user@domainOfKvmHost/system guestDomainName in the page. user, domainOfKvmHost and guestDomainName are vars that cockpit will be able to supply

Side note: On RockyLinux 9.4 with Cockpit and libvirt and all that, the Launch button causes a download of a file without a .vv suffix. If it was supposed to be handled by the browser without that being a download, that didn't happen.

We do have a pending redesign of this page (for the past few years); it would be good to integrate this into that, whenever someone works on it. (#553 (comment))

Meanwhile, adding a suggested command like that could make sense.