
Feedback: Cluster Single Sign-on (SSO) using JSON web tokens (JWTs)

lin-crl opened this issue · 0 comments

Jianwei Lin (lin-crl) commented:


What is the reason for your feedback?

[ ] Missing the information I need

[ ] Too complicated

[ ] Out of date

[x] Something is broken

[ ] Other

Additional details

Following cluster setting doens't exist on 23.2.2 and 23.2.3
root@localhost:29004/defaultdb> show cluster setting server.jwt_authentication.jwks_auto_fetch.enabled;
ERROR: unknown setting: "server.jwt_authentication.jwks_auto_fetch.enabled"
root@localhost:29004/defaultdb> show cluster setting server.sql_host;
ERROR: unknown setting: "server.sql_host"
root@localhost:29004/defaultdb> show cluster setting server.sql_port;
ERROR: unknown setting: "server.sql_port"

Please doublecheck and correct document. Thanks!

Jira Issue: DOC-10123