
Official implementation of the paper "Another Vertical View: A Hierarchical Network for Heterogeneous Trajectory Prediction via Spectrums"

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Codes for "Another Vertical View: A Hierarchical Network for Heterogeneous Trajectory Prediction via Spectrums"

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Args Used

Basic args

  • --K_train: type=int, argtype=static. The number of multiple generations when training. This arg only works for multiple-generation models. The default value is 10.
  • --K: type=int, argtype=dynamic. Number of multiple generations when testing. This arg only works for multiple-generation models. The default value is 20.
  • --anntype: type=str, argtype=static. Model's predicted annotation type. Can be 'coordinate' or 'boundingbox'. The default value is coordinate.
  • --batch_size (short for -bs): type=int, argtype=dynamic. Batch size when implementation. The default value is 5000.
  • --dataset: type=str, argtype=static. Name of the video dataset to train or evaluate. For example, 'ETH-UCY' or 'SDD'. NOTE: DO NOT set this argument manually. The default value is Unavailable.
  • --draw_distribution (short for -dd): type=int, argtype=temporary. Controls if draw distributions of predictions instead of points. If draw_distribution == 0, it will draw results as normal coordinates; If draw_distribution == 1, it will draw all results in the distribution way, and points from different time steps will be drawn with different colors. The default value is 0.
  • --draw_exclude_type (short for -det): type=str, argtype=temporary. Draw visualized results of agents except user-assigned types. If the assigned types are "Biker_Cart" and the draw_results or draw_videos is not "null", it will draw results of all types of agents except "Biker" and "Cart". It supports partial match and it is case-sensitive. The default value is null.
  • --draw_extra_outputs: type=int, argtype=temporary. Choose whether to draw (put text) extra model outputs on the visualized images. The default value is 0.
  • --draw_index: type=str, argtype=temporary. Indexes of test agents to visualize. Numbers are split with _. For example, '123_456_789'. The default value is all.
  • --draw_results (short for -dr): type=str, argtype=temporary. Controls whether to draw visualized results on video frames. Accept the name of one video clip. The codes will first try to load the video file according to the path saved in the plist file (saved in dataset_configs folder), and if it loads successfully it will draw the results on that video, otherwise it will draw results on a blank canvas. Note that test_mode will be set to 'one' and force_split will be set to draw_results if draw_results != 'null'. The default value is null.
  • --draw_videos: type=str, argtype=temporary. Controls whether draw visualized results on video frames and save as images. Accept the name of one video clip. The codes will first try to load the video according to the path saved in the plist file, and if successful it will draw the visualization on the video, otherwise it will draw on a blank canvas. Note that test_mode will be set to 'one' and force_split will be set to draw_videos if draw_videos != 'null'. The default value is null.
  • --epochs: type=int, argtype=static. Maximum training epochs. The default value is 500.
  • --experimental: type=bool, argtype=temporary. NOTE: It is only used for code test. The default value is False.
  • --force_anntype: type=str, argtype=temporary. Assign the prediction type. It is now only used for silverballers models that are trained with annotation type coordinate but want to test on datasets with annotation type boundingbox. The default value is null.
  • --force_clip: type=str, argtype=temporary. Force test video clip (ignore the train/test split). It only works when test_mode has been set to one. The default value is null.
  • --force_dataset: type=str, argtype=temporary. Force test dataset (ignore the train/test split). It only works when test_mode has been set to one. The default value is null.
  • --force_split: type=str, argtype=temporary. Force test dataset (ignore the train/test split). It only works when test_mode has been set to one. The default value is null.
  • --gpu: type=str, argtype=temporary. Speed up training or test if you have at least one NVidia GPU. If you have no GPUs or want to run the code on your CPU, please set it to -1. NOTE: It only supports training or testing on one GPU. The default value is 0.
  • --interval: type=float, argtype=static. Time interval of each sampled trajectory point. The default value is 0.4.
  • --load (short for -l): type=str, argtype=temporary. Folder to load model (to test). If set to null, the training manager will start training new models according to other given args. The default value is null.
  • --log_dir: type=str, argtype=static. Folder to save training logs and model weights. Logs will save at args.save_base_dir/current_model. DO NOT change this arg manually. (You can still change the path by passing the save_base_dir arg.) The default value is Unavailable.
  • --lr (short for -lr): type=float, argtype=static. Learning rate. The default value is 0.001.
  • --max_agents: type=int, argtype=static. Max number of agents to predict in one frame. It only works when model_type == 'frame-based'. The default value is 50.
  • --model_name: type=str, argtype=static. Customized model name. The default value is model.
  • --model_type: type=str, argtype=static. Model type, canbe 'agent-based' or 'frame-based'. The default value is agent-based.
  • --model: type=str, argtype=static. The model type used to train or test. The default value is none.
  • --obs_frames (short for -obs): type=int, argtype=static. Observation frames for prediction. The default value is 8.
  • --pmove: type=int, argtype=static. Index of the reference point when moving trajectories. The default value is -1.
  • --pred_frames (short for -pred): type=int, argtype=static. Prediction frames. The default value is 12.
  • --protate: type=float, argtype=static. Reference degree when rotating trajectories. The default value is 0.0.
  • --pscale: type=str, argtype=static. Index of the reference point when scaling trajectories. The default value is autoref.
  • --restore_args: type=str, argtype=temporary. Path to restore the reference args before training. It will not restore any args if args.restore_args == 'null'. The default value is null.
  • --restore: type=str, argtype=temporary. Path to restore the pre-trained weights before training. It will not restore any weights if args.restore == 'null'. The default value is null.
  • --save_base_dir: type=str, argtype=static. Base folder to save all running logs. The default value is ./logs.
  • --split (short for -s): type=str, argtype=static. The dataset split that used to train and evaluate. The default value is zara1.
  • --start_test_percent: type=float, argtype=static. Set when (at which epoch) to start validation during training. The range of this arg should be 0 <= x <= 1. Validation may start at epoch args.epochs * args.start_test_percent. The default value is 0.0.
  • --step: type=float, argtype=dynamic. Frame interval for sampling training data. The default value is 1.0.
  • --test_mode: type=str, argtype=temporary. Test settings. It can be 'one', 'all', or 'mix'. When setting it to one, it will test the model on the args.force_split only; When setting it to all, it will test on each of the test datasets in args.split; When setting it to mix, it will test on all test datasets in args.split together. The default value is mix.
  • --test_step: type=int, argtype=static. Epoch interval to run validation during training. The default value is 1.
  • --update_saved_args: type=int, argtype=temporary. Choose whether to update (overwrite) the saved arg files or not. The default value is 0.
  • --use_seg_maps: type=int, argtype=dynamic. Controls if uses the segmentation maps instead of the calculated trajectory maps. The default value is 0.
  • --verbose (short for -v): type=int, argtype=temporary. Controls if print verbose logs and outputs to the terminal. The default value is 0.

Silverballers args

  • --Kc: type=int, argtype=static. The number of style channels in Agent model. The default value is 20.
  • --T: type=str, argtype=static. Type of transformations used when encoding or decoding trajectories. It could be: - none: no transformations - fft: fast Fourier transform - fft2d: 2D fast Fourier transform - haar: haar wavelet transform - db2: DB2 wavelet transform The default value is fft.
  • --down_sampling_rate: type=float, argtype=temporary. Down sampling rate to sample trajectories from all N = K*Kc trajectories. The default value is 1.0.
  • --feature_dim: type=int, argtype=static. Feature dimensions that are used in most layers. The default value is 128.
  • --key_points: type=str, argtype=static. A list of key time steps to be predicted in the agent model. For example, '0_6_11'. The default value is 0_6_11.
  • --loada (short for -la): type=str, argtype=temporary. Path to load the first-stage agent model. The default value is null.
  • --loadb (short for -lb): type=str, argtype=temporary. Path to load the second-stage handler model. The default value is null.
  • --pick_trajectories (short for -p): type=float, argtype=temporary. Calculates the sum of the context map values of the predicted trajectories and picks the top n (percentage) best predictions. This parameter is only valid when the model's input contains MAPS and MAP_PARAS. The default value is 1.0.
  • --preprocess: type=str, argtype=static. Controls whether to run any pre-process before the model inference. It accepts a 3-bit-like string value (like '111'): - The first bit: MOVE trajectories to (0, 0); - The second bit: re-SCALE trajectories; - The third bit: ROTATE trajectories. The default value is 111.

First-stage silverballers args

  • --depth: type=int, argtype=static. Depth of the random noise vector. The default value is 16.
  • --deterministic: type=int, argtype=static. Controls if predict trajectories in the deterministic way. The default value is 0.
  • --loss: type=str, argtype=temporary. Loss used to train agent models. Canbe 'avgkey' or 'keyl2'. The default value is keyl2.

Second-stage silverballers args

  • --points: type=int, argtype=static. The number of keypoints accepted in the handler model. The default value is 1.