
Show the current file in the active Vaffle buffer

cocopon opened this issue · 4 comments

Hey, i also use :Vaffle %:h, however it would be nice if it could navigate the cursor to the current open file, like NERDTreeFind does.
#6 (comment)

Vaffle is not designed like NERDTree but for creating multiple buffers at the same time. In this case Vaffle cannot specify the target for showing the current file. Currently there is no plan to support the feature like that, but created the issue for the future discussion.

The only way I think this could be reasonably done, and it could be useful, if there was a way to pass a filename as an argument to Vaffle and have it set the cursor on that file.

Then one could create a small vim function that gets the buffer filename and calls Vaffle.

Maybe I had a little misunderstanding about the issue...

By changes in d85164a, :Vaffle now accepts a file as an argument. :Vaffle % will open the parent directory of the file and focus the file.

This is great! Thank you so much for this change!