
Mai 2024๐ŸŽ‰:Need a serious contributor ๐Ÿคฏ (urgent maintenance & awesome roadmap)

ImprovedTube opened this issue ยท 5 comments

Mai 2024: we need to move to manifest3 until june 1. Which means a list of small changes to support all features. We tried manifest3 before in january 2023.

we lost our author/maintainer & need more contributors & maintainers badly anyways for our 500 000+ users. ( regular fixes & smart upgrades, both of which nobody could provide alone or forever)

Exceptional maintenance (be our hero?) :

1. Roadmap (Main /big opportunities to upgrade):

  • Smart content filtering & discovery ( in search, recommendations & history)
  • Improving media / <video> on all websites, not just Youtube

& you could just save time/electricity for many users, adding a list of GPUs

2. Maintenance (regular)

  • fixing open #bugs
    • how to advertise this to the right people ( probably 1000s, but without bothering the other >99% of users?
      • ( We can automate browser-version updates later #842 )
        • shockingly all of the above (rare maintainers) also applies to X % of all extensions with dozens of millions of users in total, as of the pending new standard that will be enforced starting 2023. ( This is big! / Join us at ) (Even considering this, ImprovedTube maintance can be most rewarding to start with for today. Yet in the follwing month we can extrapolate / automate some steps to help preserving other extensions too.)


Hi , I would like to contribute to ur repo

So when next update is going to be pushed to web store?