
Allow Keybind Exclusivity in Task Assignment

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The YouTube extension currently allows users to assign the same keybind to multiple tasks simultaneously, which can potentially lead to conflicts and confusion among users.

Introduce a feature that enables keybind exclusivity when assigning tasks. When a user selects a keybind for a particular task, the extension should prompt a dialog for confirmation before removing that keybind from any other tasks to prevent conflicts.

I thought in two options:

  • A dialog prompt for confirmation before removing the keybind from other tasks.
  • Automatic removal of the keybind from other tasks without a confirmation dialog.

This feature enhancement would benefit all users who utilize shortcuts, as it enhances clarity and reduces potential conflicts in task assignment.

I don't think that implementing this feature introduce conflicts or adverse effects.

This behavior aligns with common practices observed in many sites and applications, where the same keybind is typically not allowed to be assigned to multiple functions simultaneously.

SHORT Table (Summary)
Problem Assigning the same keybind to multiple tasks simultaneously
Solution Implement keybind exclusivity to prevent conflicts
Alternatives Offer a dialog prompt for confirmation or automatic removal
Scope Users who utilize shortcuts
Side effects Not expected to introduce conflicts or adverse effects
Context Common practice in many sites and applications