
Windows Accessibility -> Visual Effects -> "Always show scrollbars" : Settings window positioned too right, scrollbars are hidden

Opened this issue · 4 comments

1. Bug Report:

BUG: When showing the Settings for ImprovedTube, it is rendered much too far across to the right. The browser's own scrollbar covers over any scrollbar which is on the right of the Settings windows. (Those are much too thin for me to use comfortably, I personally dislike the "tiny thin" styling which only expands to a thicker width after you've hovered on it, as you need a lot of dexterity which not everyone has to get there in the first place and raises accessibility issues - but that's a separate gripe. For now I'm just talking about the ability to see the scrollbars at all)
⚬ Browser: Chrome Version 124.0.6367.92 (Official Build) (64-bit).
HOW: Press the Settings icon. It's impossible to get to the scrollbars, or see that there are any.
⚬ It may be relevant that I use Windows Accessibility -> Visual Effects -> "Always show scrollbars", because I detest floating / disappearing scrollbars in general. In general it is not good to assume there will never be a scrollbar when positioning things, as you never know!
⚬ Then, un-maximise the Chrome window, so that it can be re-sized. Luckily, the Settings pane does not move. Now, the tiny scrollbars on the right side of the Settings pane are finally visible, and can be used, and I can get to the other options. (with a mouse wheel it is possible to scroll, only if you know there are things to scroll in advance, with a laptop, it's a lot harder depending on the configuration of trackpads etc.. None of this is as good as actually being able to see a scrollbar which is the visible indicator that you are not seeing all of the options and need to take action to get to what is not fitting on the screen.)
⚬ Are any *Browser console errors shown? Not around the time of clicking Settings, no.
⚬ ImprovedTube Version: 4.826


thank you! @MisterTickle.
We should also add full-tab version sooner than later.

Extension popups aren't very accessible as a whole. Now chrome also supports sidebars. (Which stay until closed)

Yes, i think thin scrollbars are just a visual indicator mostly.
When you move the mouse over it goes wider. Might only work when coming from the right side, does it?

Thankyou very much for accepting this issue!

The scrollbars do go from "thin" to "slightly less thin" when I mouse over them, yes. But they are far too thin initially, IMHO, so it's unnecessarily difficult to mouse over the exact spot to make them go fatter, if that makes sense. :)

I have lots and lots of screen height available. Would you consider allowing the Settings pane to take up more vertical height, to reduce the need for scrolling anyway, even (for some screens) remove the need completely? I don't see why it couldn't take up the browser's full height, and then just let it scroll as before.

Yes, i think thin scrollbars are just a visual indicator mostly. When you move the mouse over it goes wider. Might only work when coming from the right side, does it?

yes, its very thin and that enlarging effect is glitchy and weird.
There is plenty of space for proper normal width scrollbar.

Would you consider allowing the Settings pane to take up more vertical height, to reduce the need for scrolling anyway, even (for some screens) remove the need completely? I don't see why it couldn't take up the browser's full height

Maximum allowed is 600²px. Added an option to use it as a sidebar (still invisible), which chrome supports only since 2023 and requires to move Manifest3, which we are forced to move to by June anyways.