
Pause video bug

Opened this issue · 2 comments

While the “Disable video playback on hover” and “Pause while I watch a 2nd video” options are enabled, a bug occurs when hovering over a video preview on the search page, the 1st video stops playing, although it doesn't happen on the main page and a channels videos page.
Persist on both private and default modes.
Browser: Firefox 125.0.2 | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:125.0)
OS: Windows 10

hi! @0x0017 that's (such) a (very) nice bug report!
(and i might be slightly biased to say so because) after reading "search page" specifically,
i have the feeling it is an easy fix and the code is just missing that detail, also since it is relatively new.

Once we are at it, can we define what else to improve or add? I guess:

  • “Pause while I watch a 2nd video” should also have a sub-option:
    • enabled by default "don't count previews on hover"

Glad to help. Now that's a quick response!
Yes having that option would be very handy. It's not quite clear to me how anyone could want this behavior without this option enabled by default, but it's good that you don't exclude this possibility and let the user choose.
I've had one more bug while using the addon, so I'll try to make another report, but I don't think it will be easy to fix.
Thanks again. I am glad to see that the addon is actively developing and there are more and more customization possibilities