
Smooth Scrolling Firefox not working

Closed this issue · 4 comments

1. Bug Report:

  • BUG:
    Smooth Scrolling (scrolling with middle mouse button) is not working on a video player, but works everywhere else. The scroll indicator still shows up, but it does not scroll.
  • Browser: Firefox 125.0.3
  • HOW:
  1. Create new Firefox Profile
  2. Install Improve Youtube
  3. Activate smooth scrolling in Firefox settings:
    Settings -> General -> Browsing -> Use smooth scrolling 4. Open any video on Youtube and try to scroll with the middle mouse button.

Thank you! :-)

hi & thanks! @VINTX2
Known firefox bug with forbidding horizontal overflow. Overflow-x:hidden (classic html) (would only make sense when forbidding all overflow) (we once set that by default to tame the layout-shift of youtube's player from the right to the final position)

  • Aand there was a typo in our line, undoing it for Firefox. So the should work, (if you like to test)
    • (or we can just remove it completely.)

just edited the bug-report template

how to improve it and let people know, the second half is increasingly optional? (Your DOM made me add another 21 experiment flags to our list though #2251)

just edited the [bug-report template

 - My Settings:               <!-- List your settings or export them to paste or attach
                                          ImprovedTube-Extension -> `⋮` -> Backup & reset -> Export settings
                                         You can delete/exclude YOUR BLOCKLIST if any -->  

better to tell users directly to execute JSON.stringify( in console and "copy sting contents"

VINTX2 commented

It is working now, thanks!