
Conflicts with other addons

Opened this issue · 8 comments

Firefox 125.0.3
Improved YT 4.805

This is a good addon but it causes issues with other addons:

  • Hide YouTube Fullscreen Controls
    I know this one is probably unavoidable since Improved YT has its own feature for hiding/showing the controls but it's still annoying and I like using Hide YT better since you can hide/show the controls on the fly without having to change it in options like Improved YT.

    If you have ImprovedYT enabled Hide YT stops working after you pause/play video.
    In Improved YT I had Hide Player Controls bar set to off. In Hide YT options, enable Mouse Interaction, Preset - Hide when mouse is at border

    Play the video, move your mouse to the right or left border. The control should hide. After pausing/playing the video the control bar will become visible again and you need to move your mouse to the border to activate it again.

  • Gesturefy
    Rocker gestures won't work with Improved YT.
    Open Gesturefy options, Extras, enable Rocker gestures, for left and right mouse click open the command list; scroll down a little and select Scroll to Top and Bottom for left and right mouse click respectively.
    Try and active the rocker gestures on youtube page. Nothing happens.

  • ContextSearch web-ext
    When opening a new tab using the Quick Menu it causes the youtube page to scroll to the top.
    Open ContextSearch settings, Quick Menu, scroll down to Opening/Mouse. I selected Hold Right mouse button.
    Highlight a word in the youtube comments, hold right mouse button to open quick menu, click a search engine like google.

hi & thanks @bottleblue (i put these three in opposite order)

The 1rd one comes under MIT license so we should make a merged feature? @nralbrecht

2nd: Unfortunately even with 92000 daily users, i can't assume much intersection in user base. - Yet maybe it applies more often and we can avoid catching clicks first by some click event listener?

( 3rd: Yet I only know YouTube scrolls up when closing the video description. )

  1. That would be nice but if it conflicts with the other addons I would probably still have to stop using it.

  2. Maybe it could be an easy fix.

  3. I set video description to Normal and Hidden but it still doesn't respond to the rocker gestures.

With nothing set, ImprovedTube shouldn't conflict with 1. 🤔

What do you mean nothing set? You mean when Hide Player Controls bar is set to off?

I still have problems with Hide YT Fullscreen even with the latest update. I should have clarified though in my original post, when you pause/play with the spacebar it will cause the control bar to reappear. Although it also happens if I pause/play with mouse even if the cursor is inside the trigger distance.

I see you fixed the problems with Gesturefy and ContextSearch. Thank you for that!

hi! @bottleblue, good to know! not sure what fixed it. Besides we canceled body { Overflow-x:hidden } in the firefox version, since there is a bug in firefox causing this to break middle click scrolling. #1649 (comment)

to find out if that's related to one or both issues, can you install from the repo, after removing this line? :

@-moz-document url-prefix() {html {overflow-x: visible !important}} /* REMOVE ME SOON */

to find out if that's related to one or both issues, can you install from the repo, after removing this line? :

sry I don't understand what to do