
Add/Edit Skills on Individual Tasks

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Task Board

  • When I'm looking for a new task on the task board, I want to see all skills associated with a task listed on the task card so I can see which tasks I am able to complete.
  • When I'm looking at the task board, I want to see skills I have highlighted on the task card so that I can more clearly see which tasks I am able to complete.
  • When I'm looking for a new task on the task board, I want to filter all tasks to only see ones associated with my skills, so I can see open tasks that I am able to complete.
  • When I'm looking at the task board and see a task that is missing skills or needs skills updated, I want to be able to add/edit skills listed on a task card from the task board so that I can help categorize the task appropriately.

New Task

  • When I am creating a new task, I want to be able to add skills to a task so viewers can see if they are able to complete the tasks that match their skills.

Individual Task Page

  • When I click on a task that I am interested in working on or want to update, I want to be able to view and add/edit skills listed on a task card so that the task is categorized correctly.

Note: Skills are listed alphabetically starting with skills you have listed first, followed by the ones you don’t have.

@joshsmith Feel free to edit/add to this as needed

Updated screens based on our call @joshsmith
Uploading Add skills to a task.pdf…

@samserif The file link is not working. Seems like you saved the comment before it fully uploaded.

Awesome thanks @samserif