
Parcel Viewer App

mheadd opened this issue · 0 comments

App or project title and description

Syracuse Parcel Viewer - an app to allow city residents to view details about their property via a simple web interface.

What problem does your app or project solve?

Currently, there is no web-based app that allows Syracuse city residents to view details of their property including assessed value, property taxes owed, outstanding violations, property tax exemptions, etc.

Who are the users of your app or project?

City residents and property owners in Syracuse. Anticipate doing user research prior to writing code, and doing testing with user groups as new releases get rolled out.

Details about the dataset you want to use

Plan to use the Syracuse parcel data set, and the trash pick up day data set. There may also be datasets available from the State of New York State data portal that could be used as well.

What kind of help do you need?

  • Data munging and cleaning
  • Data analysis
  • Front end development
  • Database creation / management
  • Hosting and deployment
  • Documentation
  • User research
  • Marketing

Potential collaborators
